Add section to main page about "projects to work on"?

I strongly support your idea. Unfortunately, I won’t be able to collaborate much until I finish some obligations I currently have.

In any case, I have some comments about your proposals:

There is a distributed way to implement this. For example, in GitHub we have a special label (good first issues) in all new repositories to mark those issues which are good for newcomers. Authors wanting collaboration could create those issues directly in their projects, and we could simply link to the appropriate search URL.

Start by Ada library wishlist

Also, encourage people to include their libraries or tools in Alire. There are still many projects not indexed.

In fact, I included Ada with syntax highlighting in a LaTeX work, unfortunately I lost the TeX file and only have the PDF output. I don’t know if I used lstlistings or another plugin, but I remember it was straightforward, it already included Ada support.


Moreover, just tested and lstlisting just worked for me, although it has only bold for keywords, so it is not the one I used, or there might be ways to customize it.

with Ada.Text_IO;

procedure Main is
   type GUID is new String (1 .. 32)
     with Dynamic_Predicate =>
       (for all C of GUID => C in '0' .. '9' | 'a' .. 'f');

   ID_1 : constant GUID := "030000004c050000cc09000011810000";
   Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("Reading from device " & String (ID_1) & "...");
end Main;

And do it for, Wikibooks or similar, so there is an easy way for anyone to propose changes.

I’d add, improve Ada support in open-source hubs/forges, like Max did here or Mosteo here. Ideas: better navigation and more actions for GitHub. Also add Alire to the supported Packages feature.

I’d add, make sure appropriate Ada projects are listed in appropriate technology listings, like the awesome lists in GitHub or similar. Examples: awesome-emacs SFML wiki