Convert existing Ada code to a package for reuse; I have very basic problems with the conversion


There is a Rosetta Code task written in Ada located at:

which references a package (“Base_Conversion”) I don’t see bundled with the GNAT Ada compiler and I don’t see elsewhere on the Rosetta Code web site.

However, in the Rosetta Code Task located at:

there are two functions defined as part of the task which perform the work the package I want to write.

So I tried to leverage the two functions into a package spec and a package body, with the calls to the two functions placed in a test driver.

I obviously do not sufficiently understand what is required in the spec to make this work correctly.

Here are my error messages from the attempt to compile the driver code:

gnatmake ./test_number_base_conversion.adb
gcc -c -I./ -I- ./test_number_base_conversion.adb
gcc -c -I./ -I- ./base_conversion.adb
base_conversion.adb:5:04: error: “Max_Base” conflicts with declaration at
base_conversion.adb:6:12: error: “Base_Type” conflicts with declaration at
gnatmake: “./base_conversion.adb” compilation error

The Ada code I have written is enclosed below.

Retired Build Engineer

with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
with Base_Conversion; use Base_Conversion;

procedure Test_Number_Base_Conversion is
   Put_Line ("26 converted to base 16 is " & To_Base (26, 16));
     ("1a (base 16) is decimal" & Integer'Image (To_Decimal ("1a", 16)));
end Test_Number_Base_Conversion;
with Ada.Strings.Fixed;
with Ada.Strings.Unbounded;

package Base_Conversion is
   Max_Base : constant := 36;
   subtype Base_Type is Integer range 2 .. Max_Base;
   function To_Decimal (Value : String; Base : Base_Type) return Integer;
   function To_Base (Value : Natural; Base : Base_Type) return String;
end Base_Conversion;
with Ada.Strings.Fixed;
with Ada.Strings.Unbounded;

package body Base_Conversion is
   Max_Base : constant := 36;
   subtype Base_Type is Integer range 2 .. Max_Base;
   Num_Digits : constant String := "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
   Invalid_Digit : exception;

   function To_Decimal (Value : String; Base : Base_Type) return Integer is
      use Ada.Strings.Fixed;
      Result        : Integer := 0;
      Decimal_Value : Integer;
      Radix_Offset  : Natural := 0;
      for I in reverse Value'Range loop
         Decimal_Value := Index (Num_Digits, Value (I .. I)) - 1;
         if Decimal_Value < 0 then
            raise Invalid_Digit;
         end if;
         Result       := Result + (Base**Radix_Offset * Decimal_Value);
         Radix_Offset := Radix_Offset + 1;
      end loop;
      return Result;
   end To_Decimal;

   function To_Base (Value : Natural; Base : Base_Type) return String is
      use Ada.Strings.Unbounded;
      Result     : Unbounded_String := Null_Unbounded_String;
      Temp       : Natural          := Value;
      Base_Digit : String (1 .. 1);
      if Temp = 0 then
         return "0";
      end if;
      while Temp > 0 loop
         Base_Digit (1) := Num_Digits ((Temp mod Base) + 1);
         if Result = Null_Unbounded_String then
            Append (Result, Base_Digit);
            Insert (Source => Result, Before => 1, New_Item => Base_Digit);
         end if;
         Temp := Temp / Base;
      end loop;
      return To_String (Result);
   end To_Base;

end Base_Conversion;

The error message says exactly what’s wrong.
Max_Base and Base_Type are defined twice. Once in the package specification and once in the package body.
Just remove the declarations in the package body and you’re done.


Thank you!

So simple, so obvious (SIGH)

Retired Build Engineer