The new feature in version 19 is the possibility to write Excel formulas in the generated spreadsheets.
Simple formulas are supported so far (combinations of numbers, strings, cell references, and combinations of +, -, *, /, &).
See ew_test.adb and excel_out_demo.adb for examples.
For instance, you can write
xl.Write (3, 1, "=A1+A2");
and Excel_Out will convert the text for cell A3 into a genuine Excel formula.
Some advantages:
- formulas help explaining what a cell’s contents mean
- generated spreadsheets can be reworked further by humans
Excel Writer (Excel_Out) is a free, standalone, portable, open source package for producing Excel spreadsheets with basic formattings and formulas and page layout.
It can be used in an “Ada.Text_IO” fashion, with Put, Put_Line and New_Line.
Excel Writer can be found via the following links:
Home page:
Project page: Excel Writer download |
Mirror: GitHub - zertovitch/excel-writer: Excel Writer: a standalone, portable Ada package for producing Excel spreadsheets
Alire crate: Alire - Excel_writer