How are you using Ada, and how would you like to use Ada?

This is not true except for apple watch. You can compile Ada code into a library and distribute that to the appstore. It’s simple to import that from Swift, haven’t tried objective-C.

No you can’t. The GPL forbids access to the IR generated by GCC, go read it. AppStore licence forbids not being about to rebuild an application and relicence it, which is what their appstore does.

You are mistaken. You only need to submit IR for apple watch applications.

Yes lucretia, I’ve talk with the dev “persan” but he have just start the bindings and i really don’t know how to help him and not sure to have time actually…

Yop, i’m experimenting with awa till couple of week… but i need to progress with ada, i am a bit lost and i don’t think i need all the functionality of awa to build a simple rest Api.

Even if that’s the case now, it won’t be in future given this is not the first time they have changed cpu architectures.

As per the GPL, there is this from the FSF.

It’s not related to the architecture. iPhone has been arm for ages and you can put Ada binaries on the app store, I’ve done it myself.

GPL is not relevant at all if you’re not using GPL binaries. The GNAT RTL has a runtime exception. Again you don’t need to send IR to the appstore unless you are building for apple watch.

Completely missed the point.

Just because you’ve done it, doesn’t make you right, nor does it mean you are complying with the licence agreements. Plenty of people have “done it” with GPL software and they’ve been removed, see this.

Luke, it’s OK to be wrong sometimes…

And you are. You’re basically saying that both the FSF and Apple with all their lawyers are wrong and you are right. Ok.

@Richard-Wai @Lucretia if you’d like to continue this discussion about licensing in the apple ecosystem, please review our community guidelines and start a separate topic.

Dont’ know if it is good to clarify their misunderstanding after your remark. Just want to say that both are right but are maybe not talking about the same thing. Maybe Lucretia is talking about the AdaCore’s gnat-gpl which is indeed GPL and according to my memory, the run time library exception has been removed with recent versions, whereas Richar-Wai is talking about the gcc version of gnat with the run time library exception still available.
“When you use GCC to compile a program, GCC may combine portions of certain GCC header files and runtime libraries with the compiled program. The purpose of this Exception is to allow compilation of non-GPL (including proprietary) programs to use, in this way, the header files and runtime libraries covered by this Exception.”