Oh, ok.
This is actually easy, at least once you understand that Strings are just arrays, unconstrained arrays, but arrays nonetheless.
For illustration-purposes, we’re going to use non-string arrays to explain what’s going on.
Type Vector is Array (Positive range <>) of Natural;
-- Returns a vector from user-input.
Function Prompt return Vector is
Empty : Constant Vector(2..1):= (others => 1);
Function Collect( Result : in Vector := Empty ) return Vector is
Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line( "Enter a natural number (Negative to exit): " );
Input : String renames Ada.Text_IO.Get_Line;
Value : Integer renames Natural'Val( Input );
Return Collect( Result & Value );
when Constraint_Error => Return Result;
End Collect;
Return Collect;
End Prompt;
Data_Set : Vector:= Prompt;
Now, Data_Set
is unconstrained by its subtype and must be constrained by the initialization, which here is Prompt
. Since Prompt
returns an unconstrained array, it can be any length from 0 to its full index.
So, having constrained Data_Set
with the initial value, while it is variable, the size is fixed, meaning you could have (1,4,7,5)
and change it to (9,3,7,1)
, but not (7,7)
or (2,3,3,1,8)
The other way to constrain a value would be like Data_Set_2 : Vector(2..7):= (others => 7);
, which creates a length-5 vector and filling its elements with 7.
Now, we come to the syntactic sugar for Strings – Strings are merely arrays which have an element which is a character-type (meaning an enumeration having at least one element surrounded by single quotes) – the syntactic sugar allows you to say "Hello"
instead of write ('H','e','l','l','o')
Three questions:
- How do I do this with unbounded strings?
- How do I do this with bounded strings?
- Are there any other ways to do this I should be aware of?
I typically do something like:
Function "+"(Right : String) return Ada.Strings.Unbounded_Strings.Unbounded_String renames Ada.Strings.Unbounded_Strings.To_Unbounded_String;
Function "+"(Right : Ada.Strings.Unbounded_Strings.Unbounded_String) return String renames Ada.Strings.Unbounded_Strings.To_String;
X : Unbounded_String:= +"Initial stuff."'
X:= X & (+"Other stuff");
Return Result : String:= +X;
Which you can pretty much do with bounded as well.