Starting Ada - It has to work

Not if we do the two things I have said, then the Ada community can grow.

Hi, I get what you’re saying. As with anything, there is always room for improvement and no one wants there to be road blocks for newcomers. However, what may be considered a roadblock by some may not be an issue to others depending on their experience. Alire has already greatly lowered the bar to entry. With that said, as others have suggested, I think it would be good if you could take your vision and try to help make it happen. It may not even have to be a complete solution, but enough for others to see to where they feel interested in contributing in your efforts. If I’m not mistaken, that is kind of how Alire got started (ie one man effort initially but then grew from there).

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I thought you had mentioned it’s “Why Ada” page, which I can only assume is meant to make people persevere with Ada. I agree the “Why Ada” page could perhaps be better placed. Certainly whatever ranks on google such as Adacores site should probably link to the one route of entry for community Ada like the Rust website is all encompasing. On the other hand adacores blogs are very useful and they are makung a lot happen. So I guess the two sites should be intertwined? I assume Rust has so much money that they have setup a non profit foundation possibly owning the site.

To be honest if BAE put in 10% of their exhibition stand budget. They would still have the biggest stands and it would probably return dividends in their use of Ada. Who has a lift on their exhibition stand anyway, lol. Looks wasteful.

MM Perhaps I should speak to the guy that created Alire. Yes I am talking about trying to attract people with no experience. It’s what I have tried to do with I want to emphasise that I created ada works not as some attempt at competing with anybody but rather as a way to provide an entry portal to Ada. I would be happy to add something about Alire but I really don’t yet understand what it is. It’s own website doesn’t seem to make it make it clear.

Hi Micronian2,
That is what I have been doing with


I think you should remove “designed by committee,” Algol was designed by committee, Ada wasn’t.

Hi Tom, I very much understand your frustration. I think this applies in general to IT, not only to Ada.
All of the IT world is a big mess, with so many different architectures, operating systems, programming languages, compilers, packages, configuration files… It is very easy to get to the point one just gives up trying to understanding new things.
Programming, in general, should indeed be easier. But somehow, every new attempt to do that makes the whole thing more complex! :smiley: You can see more and more new programming languages appearing, as if it would not be enough with the ones we already have. They intend to be better than others, but at the end they just increase the chaos.

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Hi Guille, I have only just seen your message. Absolutely. I am currently writing what is essentially a web app. The server is 100% Ada. I am beginning to think that X11 would be a far better solution and that browsers Javascript et’c are a total mess. “Oh no” they say “Wayland” will replace X11. Why? People have become obsessed with updates frAGILE. It’s causing complete chaos. Everybody produces unfinished solutions and features are given higher priority than bugs.

Today I have a choice. If I want a powerful reliable language use Rust who seem to care about things the Ada community doesn’t give a damn about. The compiler detects uninitialised variables, but not when they are in a conditional statement! Bhaa. There seem to be a community of slap happy “just do it” cowboys" and they have entered the Ada world. I really just want to write code rather than have to deal with this. But saying that when I create websites like and, I am as bad as the rest because I am working on those things for free I leave a lot of loose ends.

The pages for Alire were unusable when I tried them. I talked about that in my first post here. Do you know is there any group out ther who actually want to bring new people into this language?

It’s still easier and more useful to introduce beginners to C than Ada. Maybe Rust also. I am Fed up because I am looking for a Total Quality language that really calls in people starting in computing, and as can be seen from this threat, many people don’t understand that.

By the way here is my CV are you at all interested in developing something further like for example?

There are some things I don’t like about Ada. The strings default indexing from 1 is a pain. Also the lack of a preprocessor. Generics are very restricted.