Subprogram_name is not the name of a generic function

The code below reproduces a problem I have, of a generic function which is present in a package, but is not seen regardless. The package itself is seen, and instantiated, but not the function inside.
It’s the smallest complete exemple I could make. I’m certainly overlooking something painfully obvious… But I can’t see it.
So please tell.
Thank you

pragma Ada_2022; pragma Extensions_Allowed (all);
with Ada.Text_IO, Ada.Characters.Handling;
use  Ada.Text_IO, Ada.Characters.Handling;
procedure Test is
      type Item_Type (<>) is limited private;
      type Item_Access is access Item_Type;
   package Limited_Lists is
      type List_Type is limited private;
      type List_Iterator is private;
         with function Make return Item_type is <>;
      procedure Insert (Iterator : List_Iterator); 
      function Last (List : aliased List_Type) return List_Iterator;
      type Item_Record;
      type Item_Record_Access is access Item_Record;
      type List_Access is access List_Type;
      type Item_Record is
            Item : Item_Access;
            Next, Pred : Item_Record_Access;
         end record;
      type List_Type is limited
            First, Last : Item_Record_Access;
            Count : Natural := 0;
         end record;       
      type List_Iterator is
            List    : List_Access;
            Current : Item_Record_Access;
         end record;
   end Limited_Lists;
   package body Limited_Lists is
      function Last (List : aliased List_Type) return List_Iterator is
        (List => List'Unrestricted_Access, Current => null);
      procedure Insert (Iterator : in List_Iterator) is
         New_Item : Item_Record_Access;
         New_Item := new Item_Record'(Pred => <>, Next => Iterator.Current, Item => new Item_type '(Make));
         Iterator.List.Last := New_Item;
      end Insert;
   end Limited_Lists;
   package Spreadsheets is 
      type Spreadsheet_Type   is  tagged limited private;
      type Spreadsheet_Access is not null access all Spreadsheet_Type'Class;
      type Cell_Type (Sheet : Spreadsheet_Access) is tagged null record;
      procedure Insert (Sheet : in out Spreadsheet_Type;
                        Constructor: not null access function return Cell_type'Class);
      type Cell_Access        is access all Cell_Type'Class;
      package Cell_lists is new Limited_lists (Cell_Type'Class,Cell_Access);
      use cell_lists;
      type Spreadsheet_Type is tagged limited record
         Cells : aliased List_Type;
      end record;
   end Spreadsheets;
   package body Spreadsheets is
      procedure Insert (Sheet : in out Spreadsheet_Type; Constructor: not null access function return Cell_type'Class) is
         function Insert_2 is new cell_lists.Insert (Constructor.all); -- COMPLAINS HERE
         Insert_2 (Last(Sheet.Cells));
      end Insert;
   end Spreadsheets;
end test;

It’s because Insert is declared as a generic procedure and you are trying to instantiate it as a function instead.


Thank you. I was too deep in it.
I really couldn’t see it