(0.) Parallelism of block-for in Ada 2022 is relatively easy to implement
(1.) The apparent objection to implementation of parallelism of block-for in Ada 2022 is complexity (ARG 2024).
(2.) This arises from abstracting parallel processing beyond the practice of explicitly manual instantiation.
(3.) With complexity comes performance degradation, the real issue, as inherent to the implementation of the C-language, namely, in memory management with redundant reads and writes on huge stacks.
(Eiffel also based on gcc demonstrated that there was no simple work around for garbage collection in its renaming of Grace Hopper’s conditional quality checks in COBOL to pre- and post-states as adopted by Ada.)
(4.) The solution is to invoke the abstraction of a RDBMS as based on ubiquity of its perfect algebra and calculus.
For example, the AdaSage project can be resuscitated for extant reusable code.
(5.) This approach with RDBMS to track contingencies of parallelism obviously relies on the record locking mechanism to avoid deadlock.
(6.) The particular approach is to make use of logic table technology (LTT) as perfected in 2002 where a logic table(s) as a STRING uses the SUBSTR function to instruct the SQL engine what to do next.
This results in:
(6.1.) Coercing non-procedural SQL to perform procedural processing in a nested trigger of minimal lines of code; and
(6.2.) Delivering real-time performance to SQL and in the process further to avoid indexing.
(7.) In summary, the abstraction in parallelism of block-for in Ada 2022 is met with the abstraction in a RDBMS of real-time SQL performance.