2022 Day 4: Camp Cleanup

I definitely wasted some time overengineering this one. I was expecting part 2 to have more than two ranges per line and wrote a parser to handle that. I also made the parser do no dynamic allocation, because my I/O library supports that now.

advent/day4_2.adb at 3886b077597131c55f15bd23bf3f5dc14faeb4c8 · JeremyGrosser/advent · GitHub

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Gained lots of time skipping much of the explanation… and also lost lots of time doing so, because I thought the format was:

.234.....  2-4
.....678.  6-8

instead of:


Anyway, the “final” code is here: hac/aoc_2022_04.adb at 74dd26dbb513dec406561fa5e8cc439f6abe802c · zertovitch/hac · GitHub

It’s been said that Advent of Code is really a reading comprehension test, not a programming test :slight_smile:


A way of avoiding the format issue is to download input.txt (and have a glimpse on it) early in the process…

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Really? You were still done before I finished part 1 – I checked the leaderboard out of curiosity – and I think I finished both parts quicker than I finished part 1 on either of the previous 3 days!

This year seems a bit unusual: the first day has been the hardest to me, and they’ve gotten easier since – so much so that on Days 3 and 4 I implemented alternate solutions. I’m waiting for the other shoe to drop.

Yeah, I learned that during my first AoC back in 2020… :grin:

I think I also did, but forgot again.
Now I have set up a check list.
Can be useful for those who are in a time zone where the puzzle pops up early in the morning…

If step 1 of a checklist must say “coffee” then you might be rising too early. :wink:

I kind of wanted to create dynamically ranged arrays to check against, but actually have errands today so if statement it is!
This is what I came up with adventofcode/day4.adb at bee3c2dc4fd0bf7e6c1d8916f529dc30cf5beee1 · AJ-Ianozi/adventofcode · GitHub

Curious …
Anybody tried to read the file as a record of data ?
using Ada.Text_IO.Text_Streams and Ada.Streams to read each record (line) of data, implementing Data_Record'Read (Data_Stream, Data);
See my puzzle_04

Seems you all used plain Text_IO. :astonished:
Why not ? Pro/Cons ?

(Jeremy did still used a specific generic Stream library)

Anybody ? :wave:

I used streams for all of my solutions last year and started to this year. However, yesterday I rewrote my I/O library to use mmap for the input file. This is much faster, but means my Read_Until helper isn’t compatible with the Root_Stream_Type interface anymore.

But you ignore Stream and read from Ada.Integer_Text_IO.Get also, no?

I used subtypes to check for overlaps in the second part:

   function Overlap (Left, Right : Sect_Range) return Boolean is
      subtype Left_Range is Natural range Left.Low .. Left.High;
      subtype Right_Range is Natural range Right.Low .. Right.High;
      if Left.Low in Right_Range or else Left.High in Right_Range then
         return True;
      elsif Right.Low in Left_Range or else Right.High in Left_Range then
         return True;
         return False;
      end if;
   end Overlap;

As an Ada dilettante***, I know Text_IO. I am not familiar with Text_Streams. I actually remembering thinking last night that it would be nice to have a library that parses a line of input according to a known structure. How convenient is it to use and implement Text_Streams and Data_Record'Read?

***Calling me an amateur or hobbyist is an insult to amateurs and hobbyists.

I thought I could still do those elementary types with read (Stream, ...), but I didn’t succeed.
Isn’t it (IMHO) the conventional way of reading elementary types? (with get) so as to cope with variable integer length?

I’ll retry …

Well this game’s data are in plain text files. So why not using Text_IO?

I like to design software as the domain specification is described. (say “O.O.”)
With Ada, one may easily implement this specification directly in code. unlike C.
IMHO, you get super readability :sunglasses:

Using Text_IO.Streams gives me the opportunity to get an Ada data record (filled-up) per line, just by being (almost) declarative in the code.