I definitely wasted some time overengineering this one. I was expecting part 2 to have more than two ranges per line and wrote a parser to handle that. I also made the parser do no dynamic allocation, because my I/O library supports that now.
Really? You were still done before I finished part 1 – I checked the leaderboard out of curiosity – and I think I finished both parts quicker than I finished part 1 on either of the previous 3 days!
This year seems a bit unusual: the first day has been the hardest to me, and they’ve gotten easier since – so much so that on Days 3 and 4 I implemented alternate solutions. I’m waiting for the other shoe to drop.
I think I also did, but forgot again.
Now I have set up a check list.
Can be useful for those who are in a time zone where the puzzle pops up early in the morning…
Curious …
Anybody tried to read the file as a record of data ?
using Ada.Text_IO.Text_Streams and Ada.Streams to read each record (line) of data, implementing Data_Record'Read (Data_Stream, Data);
See my puzzle_04
Seems you all used plain Text_IO.
Why not ? Pro/Cons ?
(Jeremy did still used a specific generic Stream library)
I used streams for all of my solutions last year and started to this year. However, yesterday I rewrote my I/O library to use mmap for the input file. This is much faster, but means my Read_Until helper isn’t compatible with the Root_Stream_Type interface anymore.
I used subtypes to check for overlaps in the second part:
function Overlap (Left, Right : Sect_Range) return Boolean is
subtype Left_Range is Natural range Left.Low .. Left.High;
subtype Right_Range is Natural range Right.Low .. Right.High;
if Left.Low in Right_Range or else Left.High in Right_Range then
return True;
elsif Right.Low in Left_Range or else Right.High in Left_Range then
return True;
return False;
end if;
end Overlap;
As an Ada dilettante***, I know Text_IO. I am not familiar with Text_Streams. I actually remembering thinking last night that it would be nice to have a library that parses a line of input according to a known structure. How convenient is it to use and implement Text_Streams and Data_Record'Read?
***Calling me an amateur or hobbyist is an insult to amateurs and hobbyists.
I thought I could still do those elementary types with read (Stream, ...), but I didn’t succeed.
Isn’t it (IMHO) the conventional way of reading elementary types? (with get) so as to cope with variable integer length?
I like to design software as the domain specification is described. (say “O.O.”)
With Ada, one may easily implement this specification directly in code. unlike C.
IMHO, you get super readability
Using Text_IO.Streams gives me the opportunity to get an Ada data record (filled-up) per line, just by being (almost) declarative in the code.