Tripped myself up by being too clever… My Advent library doesn’t support parsing integers like it did in previous years, so I wasted a few minutes implementing that. Could’ve just used Integer_IO if I weren’t so stubborn
Changed my mind about using a Vector halfway through and switched to an indefinite array. Made some things a little easier, but part 2 would’ve been simpler had I just stuck to Vectors. Oh well.
I tried to do part 2 by adjusting my comparison counts in Is_Safe, but that got messy and I started having off-by-one bugs… A clear sign that I was on the wrong track. Ended up going with the brute force solution and called Is_Safe with each missing level. It works, I guess.
I also tried to be clever and fast, but didn’t manage both, so went for fast using brute force, to finish before leaving for work.
I might try a more clever version later today, though; would be a good opportunity to also check out spark_unbound. So, yeah, at least I learned that vectors are not allowed in SPARK. Not surprising, but I guess every little insight counts…
Done, but I spent almost more time just parsing the report lines to get the levels than on the logic for finding if they’re safe. Is there a simple way to split up a string into separate components using a character separator?
There’s indeed a lot of work parsing the file, but … now I realized one could also do it like I do it for the JavaScript that I use to verify my solution: just paste the contents in a large matrix, and forget about text io.
BTW, today I got to use one of the Ada constructs I liked from the moment I saw them: qualified expressions. For part 2, I’m using
if (for some Excl in 0 .. N - 1 => Report_Minus_1_Is_Safe (Report, N, Excl))
There might be better ways, but I leverage the Index function from Ada.Strings.Fixed:
with Ada.Strings.Fixed;
with Ada.Containers.Indefinite_Vectors;
with Ada.Text_IO;
procedure Example is
package String_Vectors is new Ada.Containers.Indefinite_Vectors
(Index_Type => Positive,
Element_Type => String);
function Split(Item : String; Separator : String) return String_Vectors.Vector;
function Split(Item : String; Separator : String) return String_Vectors.Vector is
First : Natural := Item'First;
Last : Natural := Item'Last;
return Result : String_Vectors.Vector do
Last := Ada.Strings.Fixed.Index(Item(First..Item'Last), Separator);
exit when Last = 0;
Result.Append(Item(First .. Last-1));
First := Last + Separator'Length;
end loop;
Result.Append(Item(First .. Item'Last));
end return;
end Split;
v1 : String_Vectors.Vector := Split("a b c"," ");
for Item of v1 loop
Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line("Substring: " & Item);
end loop;
end Example;
That’s a very over simplified logic with very little error checking, so it generates a vector element even if the string is empty or there are two back to back separators (but the added element is a null string, so that is checkable), but that can be adjusted by the programmer.
For splitting your string, you can use the csv package
and use ’ ’ as a separator.
However, another, IMHO much simpler, solution is to use Get (file, i) from Ada.Text_IO.Integer_IO.
You know that you are at the end of a line with a call to End_Of_Line (file).
No need to absorb the end-of-line character(s), nor the spaces, it’s done for you.
You can see my AoC solution for the details (link below).
Done with HAC, but HAC’s toolbox just calls Ada.Text_IO.* .
Basically the parser looks like this:
while not End_Of_File (f) loop
last := last + 1;
Get (f, data (last));
if End_Of_Line (f) or End_Of_File (f) then
-- ... Do something with the complete line
last := 0;
end if;
end loop;
The or End_Of_File (f) is there for the case the last line doesn’t end with an end-of-line.
So far, so good
Clearly not the best solution out of there but it works and it’s finally quite simple for my point of view.
I’ll check the other solutions later.
(for some N in Numbers'Range =>
Is_Safe -- Pass a dynamically-created array into is_safe
((if N = Numbers'First then
Numbers (N + 1 .. Numbers'Last)
elsif N = Numbers'Last then
Numbers (Numbers'First .. N - 1)
Numbers (Numbers'First .. N - 1) &
Numbers (N + 1 .. Numbers'Last))))
Result_P2 := @ + 1;
end if;
I did, but I usually prefer to hand roll the ascii-to-integer conversion. I’ve noticed on embedded platforms that GNAT’s ‘Value implementations are often extremely slow and don’t get vectorized/inlined properly.