2024 Day 7: Bridge Repair

Part 1 made my head hurt, I’ll tackle Part 2 in the morning. Part 2 was easier than I expected. I’m not really happy with any part of this solution, nothing feels optimal.

On part 2
I thought that the concatenation happened on the input’s digits and not on the ongoing calculation.
So I made a two-level combinator which was more complicated than the required one…

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The question is does concatenation work this way: 1 || 02 = 102. I thought it does and made the solution to work this way, but it failed. So it made me redo the code to eliminate these cases, then it works.

Well, that’s a problem that didn’t cross my mind. What are all your process times, by the way? I think I’ve seen some heavy recursion. While some recursion/back-tracking is needed, I think I got a pretty efficient solution (going backwards and only checking paths that are possible). Problem 2 on my i7-11700K takes 2ms.

I also skipped the ‘read the data from file’ bit. I wanted to try variable length arrays, so then I hard-coded the problem data in a package.

I was able to get the left-to-right recursive version down to 60ms on an i5-2500k (process creation, IO, text parsing, and both parts. flags: -O3 -gnatp -gnatn) 90ms with -Og -gnata -gnatVa. Most of the time save came from eliminating Vector and stack allocating instead.

EDIT: Down to 40ms | 70ms after eliminating copies altogether.

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I did the following optimizations:

  • Removed the unnecessary Vector.Copy in my inner recursive function
  • Switched to Bounded_Vectors.Vector (Capacity => 16)
  • Enabled -gnatn2 -gnatp -march=native -O3

I tried using a bare array instead of Bounded_Vectors, but this provided no measurable improvement in performance. I’d rather keep the convenience of Containers.

On my 7950X3D this solves part 2 in 205ms. Not great, not terrible.

I’m sure there are better algorithms and this problem appears to be embarrasingly parallel, so there are more opportunities for optimization, but I think this is good enough for today.


Are there cases in your input with 1 02? If not, how would that arise to start with?

My only optimization in part 2 was not to re-compute anything that passed in part 1. I was pretty pleased about my solution managing 1.2s for both parts, almost all of which is part 2. (This is w/alr --release.)

Then I read the various optimizations people posted to Reddit and here, and felt… well, not quite disappointed, but less pleased. :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

I don’t know if anyone else tried this, but in Part 1 my only optimization was to verify that

product (operands) >= test_value >= sum(operands)

If that’s false, there’s no point continuing.

…and I somehow completely mis-reasoned concatention in exactly the same way as @zertovitch. That puts me in good company, but is kind of bad news for him :wink:

Completed day 7, both parts. Nothing very efficient (12 seconds on my i714700K!!!), but it works.

If I have some time to spare this advent I might try an optimization on the combinations of operators :thinking:

Rookie numbers! My Ruby solution, which is pretty much as inefficient as it gets, runs for 4 mins straight. :slight_smile:

It monkey patches the int class, replaces spaces with different configurations of operators and just calls eval on the resulting string. Partial solution:

class Integer
  # relevant ops (*, /, %) all have same precedence
  def / (other) = self + other
  def % (other) = (self.to_s + other.to_s).to_i

valid = ["*", "/", "%"].repeated_permutation(n).one? do |ops|
  eval(tail.gsub(" ") { ops.shift }) == result
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