Access to /usr/include/ libraries from gnatmake/gprbuild/gnat commandline

I need to use GNATcoll in my project, the libraries are located under /usr/include/, but I don’t know how to tell gprbuild/gnat or whatever command, to go find the non-standard and non-local libraries under this directory (recursively). I read the user guides but don’t grok anything, it’s too convoluted.
Is there a environment variable like PATH for packages ?

Are you not using Alire?

I tried and failed: "alr search gnatcoll" fails · Issue #1733 · alire-project/alire · GitHub

Does alr search --list work?

Checked your GPR_PROJECT_PATH? I think the dir which contains gnatcoll.gpr has to be in the path.

In my .zshrc I’ve got export GPR_PROJECT_PATH=/opt/gcc-14.1.0-aarch64/share/gpr:$GPR_PROJECT_PATH


stderr: Empty point number
stderr: raised SEMANTIC_VERSIONING.MALFORMED_INPUT : Empty point number
0x457d88 Semantic_Versioning.Parse.Eat_Number at semantic_versioning.adb:78
0x45981b Semantic_Versioning.Parse.Accept_Number at semantic_versioning.adb:142
0x459b07 Semantic_Versioning.Parse.Accept_Number at semantic_versioning.adb:159
0x459b07 Semantic_Versioning.Parse.Accept_Number at semantic_versioning.adb:159
0x45af3e Semantic_Versioning.Parse at semantic_versioning.adb:179
0x9c0403 Alire.Origins.Deployers.System.Apt.Detect at alire-origins-deployers-system-apt.adb:73
0x89b0b9 Alire.Externals.From_System.Detect at alire-externals-from_system.adb:46
0x8b1a18 Alire.Externals.Lists.Detect at alire-externals-lists.adb:34
0x926d0d Alire.Index.Detect_Externals at alire-index.adb:189
0xd111c2 Alire.Solver.Resolve.Detect_Unavailable_Direct_Dependencies.2 at alire-solver.adb:1220
0xcf76b7 Alire.Solver.Resolve at alire-solver.adb:1296
0xcf4f06 Alire.Solver.Is_Resolvable at alire-solver.adb:182
0x4cc6d7 Alr.Commands.Search.Execute at alr-commands-search.adb:54
0x4ce424 Alr.Commands.Search.Execute at alr-commands-search.adb:101
0x4cfbb0 Alr.Commands.Search.Execute at alr-commands-search.adb:225
0x4d0f73 Alr.Commands.Search.Execute at alr-commands-search.adb:273
0x4cb8b8 Alr.Commands.Search.Execute at alr-commands-search.adb:302
0x4cbce7 Alr.Commands.Search.Execute at alr-commands-search.adb:23
0x53939b Alr.Commands.Sub_Cmd.Execute at clic-subcommand-instance.adb:749
0x54587e Alr.Commands.Execute at alr-commands.adb:561
0x436183 Alr.Main at alr-main.adb:13
0x438de1 Main at b__alr-main.adb:2257
0x43601c _start at ???
error: Empty point number
error: alr encountered an unexpected error, re-run with -d for details.
error: error location: 0x457d88 Semantic_Versioning.Parse.Eat_Number

% locate gnatcoll.gpr

Did you find gnatcoll.gpr and make sure that the path is set?

Yes but I see no change (extracts):

> gnatmake *.adb
diary.adb:16:06: error: file "" not found
gnatmake: "diary-diary_view.adb" compilation error
> alr search --list
error: Empty point number                                                                   
error: error location: 0x457d88 Semantic_Versioning.Parse.Eat_Number at semantic_versioning.adb:78

I don’t think gnatmake will use GPR_PROJECT_PATH. Use gprbuild instead, or try with gnatmake -P yourproject.gpr (which should behave in the same way as gprbuild, but without any advantage, I think).

If you don’t have a GPR file yet, try with this:

with "gnatcoll"
project Diary is

  for Source_Dirs use (".");
  for Object_Dir use "obj";

end Diary;
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Is there a gnatcoll.gpr located in your /usr/share/gpr?

How did you install gcc, gnatcoll-core and gnatcoll-bindings?

yes, that’s how I found the directory in the first place. I installed gcc and gnat through my debian’s official repos. I can try and install things manually too. As for gnatcoll, I downloaded this and ran the corresponding scripts.