Ada 2022 Reference Cards - new version (including sizes suitable for posters)

A new release of the Ada 2022 Reference card

A new release of the Ada 2022 Reference card is now available at

The Ada 2022 Reference Card should now be complete.

If you find any errors, things missing, spelling mistakes or bad writing, please consider submitting a pull request with changes.
The source is just a single LaTeX file which is fairly easy to read and change.

If you have downloaded a previous version please consider replacing your copy with the new one.

The new version has a lot of changes including the following:

  • Added various papersizes (including sizes suitable for posters).
  • Added missing syntax descriptions in Aspect section.
  • Minor fixes in pragmas section.
  • Many improvements to LaTex code.
  • Changed section style to use horizontal lines and small caps by [@mgrojo]
  • Added links to Ada 2022 Reference Manual in Standard Library by [@mgrojo]
  • Generate a continuous prerelease with generated PDF by [@mgrojo]

@mgrojo made his first contributions!

Full Changelog: Commits · bracke/AdaReferenceCard · GitHub

Kind regards
Bent Bracke


What is your thinking behind not including syntax on the reference card? Every other language reference card I’ve used has included this.

@pyj No particular reason. The old Ada Reference Card did not have the syntax, so I have never gotten used to having this :slight_smile:

A pull request with the syntax would be very welcome!

There is a syntax cheatsheet on
Syntax Cheat Sheet | Ada Programming Language

Yeah, I wrote that cheatsheet, that’s why I was asking about syntax.

@pyj Ah :wink:
It would make perfect sense to include it or something similar in the reference card.
Current format used in the reference card seems sufficient for syntax description.

Any syntax line would be something like:
\adaitem{\adarmlink{RM-K-2.html}}{Identifiers}{Can’t start with number or underscore, \textbf{case insensitive}.}{}

Don’t know if there are any obvious sections in the RM to link to?

There’s a BNF style section of the RM but that might be a bit too abstract

@jere Yeah, I would rather do a web search than try to decipher a BNF.