I’m hoping that someone can verify that the reply I received on the Rosetta Code web site (at the bottom of this posting) is the best course of action to take or not.
I get a run-time error: raised INTERFACES.C.STRINGS.UPDATE_ERROR : i-cstrin.adb:260
cat ./test_it.bash
gcc -v -c ./main.c gnatmake -v -c ./exported.adb gnatbind -v -n ./exported.ali gnatlink -v ./exported.ali ./main.o -o ./main ./main 2>&1 | tee ./NOTE.txt gnatclean ./exported rm ./main ./main.o
cat ./exported.ads
with Interfaces.C; use Interfaces.C;
with Interfaces.C.Strings; use Interfaces.C.Strings;
package Exported is
function Query (Data : chars_ptr; Size : access size_t)
return int;
pragma Export (C, Query, "Query");
end Exported;
cat ./exported.adb
package body Exported is
function Query (Data : chars_ptr; Size : access size_t)
return int is
Result : char_array := "Here am I";
if Size.all < Result'Length then
return 0;
Update (Data, 0, Result);
Size.all := Result'Length;
return 1;
end if;
end Query;
end Exported;
cat ./main.c
#include <stdio.h>
extern int Query (char * Data, size_t * Length);
int main (int argc, char * argv [])
char Buffer [1024];
size_t Size = sizeof (Buffer);
if (0 == Query (Buffer, &Size))
printf ("failed to call Query\n");
char * Ptr = Buffer;
while (Size-- > 0) putchar (*Ptr++);
putchar ('\n');
I have a lot of output (as I used the verbose flag on all of the build commands)…but none of it seems to point to a make and/or link error…I can provide the output if desired.
Environment: MacOS 14.6.1 M1 chip (arm64) gnatmake -v
GNATMAKE 14.1.0 Copyright (C) 1992-2024, Free Software Foundation, Inc.
Thanks, Retired Build Engineer
Response on the Rosetta Code web site talk page for this task:
I’m not that knowledgeable of Ada, but Googling ada update_error found this:
which suggests you need to null terminate the string (which C would expect in general but probably not in this example) and probably set Check to false in the Update call.
–Tigerofdarkness (talk) 07:48, 14 September 2024 (UTC)
Retired Build Engineer