Ada Monthly Meeting

Hi all,

this message contains the final time of the meeting, connection details and other info.

The first “official” Ada Monthly Meetup will take place this Saturday, 1st of July, at 13:00 UTC Time. That corresponds to 15:00 CET (Central European Time: Madrid, Paris, Berlin, Rome…).

The meetup will take place over at Jitsi, a conferencing software that runs on any modern browser. The link is Jitsi Meet The room name is “AdaMonthlyMeetup” and in case it asks for a password, it will be set to “AdaRules”.
I do not want to set up a password, but in case it is needed, it will be the one above without the quotes. The room name is generally not needed as the link should take you directly there, but I want to write it down just in case someone needs it.


No one proposed any topics, but there was a proposal that I quite liked!
An Ada user told me they would like for people to present themselves with a brief introduction so that listeners and other new users could tell who is who. I think this is a great idea as that allows the community to get closer together, know who is who and what they work on and have a better understanding of the speakers and their background. Obviously, this will be optional, nobody will be forced to do this in any kind of way. The introductions should be short (think 30s to a minute) and I will be the first one to do it to help break the ice :smiley:

If I forgot something, please, point it out so that any issues can get patched out.

Notice! The link to the room has been changed to be more “universal”. So please, share it with people who received the old link. Another point is that the password, in case it is needed, has also changed. I sadly cannot block the room with a password unless a moderator in connected. This means that there is a very unlikely chance someone could vandalise the room, but I do not expect this to be a problem. Also the presentation will not be streamed just yet. I did not have time to test it but Maxim kindly agreed to help, so that will be coming down the line.

Best regards,

P.S: I, Fer, will post this over at the C.L.A and . Feel free to repost this to Reddit, Gitter/Matrix, Telegram or any other channels! The more people know about this, the better (I hope).