Ada Monthly Meeting

Hello everybody!

I would like to announce the December Ada Monthly Meetup which will be taking place on the 2nd of December at 14:00 UTC time (15:00 CET). As always the meetup will take place over at Jitsi. The Meetup will also be livestreamed to Youtube :slight_smile:

If someone would like to propose a talk or a topic, feel free to do so! We currently have no topics :wink:

Here are the connection details from previous posts:
The meetup will take place over at Jitsi, a conferencing software that runs on any modern browser. The link is Jitsi Meet The room name is “AdaMonthlyMeetup” and in case it asks for a password, it will be set to “AdaRules”.
I do not want to set up a password, but in case it is needed, it will be the one above without the quotes. The room name is generally not needed as the link should take you directly there, but I want to write it down just in case someone needs it.

Best regards and see you soon!

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Hi all,

nobody has submitted any topics. Nonetheless, I will talk shortly about FOSDEM, Ada Crate of the Year 2023, Advent of Code and that we will not have an Ada Meetup in January and most likely also not in February!

Best regards,

Merry Christmas!

This is a reminder that there will be no Ada Monthly Meetup in January!

I would also like to remind people to submit their projects to the Ada Crate of the Year competition if they have not already done so by now!

I would also like to thank everybody that did Advent of Code in Ada/SPARK and submitted their work to the forum! This shows the lively community that we have and increases the donation that AdaCore will give! Sadly I could not personally participate much due to life being life, but that is what we have…

I have also booked a room and flights to Brussels in order to be there for FOSDEM 2024. Lets meet there if we can!

Best regards,

P.S: I still have not started working on my proposal for the new “Projects” section of the webpage, but hopefully I will find some time.


Hi all! I will not be available on the 2nd of March, Saturday, when the next Meetup should take place… I would like to share some news there and maybe have someone show a project… However, I do not know if I should move it to another day, cancel it or let someone take over for March…

Do you have any opinion/preference?

I am personally finding myself in a lot of activities and “work” these weekends, so I don’t really have that much flexibility sadly…

Just arrange it for the following Saturday, that’s fine.

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Hello everybody!

I would like to announce the March (2024) Ada Monthly Meetup which will be taking place on the 9th of March at 14:00 UTC time (15:00 CET). As always the meetup will take place over at Jitsi. The Meetup will also be livestreamed to Youtube.

If someone would like to propose a talk or a topic, feel free to do so! We currently have no topics :wink:

Here are the connection details from previous posts:
The meetup will take place over at Jitsi, a conferencing software that runs on any modern browser. The link is Jitsi Meet The room name is “AdaMonthlyMeetup” and in case it asks for a password, it will be set to “AdaRules”.
I do not want to set up a password, but in case it is needed, it will be the one above without the quotes. The room name is generally not needed as the link should take you directly there, but I want to write it down just in case someone needs it.

Best regards and see you soon!


Dear all, this is just a quick reminder that the Ada Monthly Meetup will take place next Saturday!

No topics were proposed for this meetup. Nonetheless, I will take the opportunity to talk a bit about FOSDEM (and WolfSSL), the newly proposed Ada Developer Workshop during AEiC, remind people about the newly released Alire v2.0-RC1 and a few other topics if we have time.

Best regards,


The March 2024 Meetup just finished! Thanks to everybody who participated.

Quite a few topics were discussed, here is a list of topics and references to them:

See you in one month (more or less)! Regards,

Edit 1: add the Black library
Edit 2: the paper was published by CISA, not the NSA


You missed off black

Added to the post near the end :slight_smile:

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Hi, Thanks for posting the details. FYI, the paper you reference is not by the NSA. It was by the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA).

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But there’s an NSA report on the same topic that lists 9 memory-safe languages, and Ada is included. See The NSA list of memory-safe programming languages has been updated - ReadWrite.

After some searching I found that NSA report at


This is the link I posted in the chat during the metting.

I didn’t know… (Although I intended to participate in the meeting, I didn’t manage…)

Anyway, now the correct link is included in this thread as well, so it is saved for posterity! :wink:

The recorded video on YouTube:

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Thank you for hosting the recording on your YouTube channel. I got to watch it while on vacation. It’s tough finding ada videos (that aren’t actually cardano related instead) so it’s always great to see anything ada related. And I got to watch it on the big screen since it was on YouTube (instead of my phone)


Hello everybody!

I would like to announce the April (2024) Ada Monthly Meetup which will be taking place on the 6th of April at 13:00 UTC time (15:00 CEST). As always the meetup will take place over at Jitsi. The Meetup will also be livestreamed to Youtube.

If someone would like to propose a talk or a topic, feel free to do so! We currently have no topics :wink: Though I will try to focus more on Ada and I would like to bring people’s attention to Tsoding’s Ada livestreams.

Here are the connection details from previous posts:
The meetup will take place over at Jitsi, a conferencing software that runs on any modern browser. The link is Jitsi Meet The room name is “AdaMonthlyMeetup” and in case it asks for a password, it will be set to “AdaRules”.
I do not want to set up a password, but in case it is needed, it will be the one above without the quotes. The room name is generally not needed as the link should take you directly there, but I want to write it down just in case someone needs it.

Best regards and see you soon!

P.S: it is that time of year when clocks have their time changed. So please, take a look at whether this affects you. (Central) Europe will now go from CET to CEST, so +2h. USA and related countries already had heir time changed last week.


Hi all!

This is a kind reminder about this Saturday’s Ada Monthly Meetup :slight_smile: Keep in mind the slight change in UTC time!

See you soon,

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I struggle to get time away from the kids but one thing I would quite like to understand better is how much and how useful people find the interface keyword to be. Would that be an interesting and casual discussion question?


Apologies: family visit.

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