Ada Monthly Meeting

Hi all!

This is a kind reminder about this Saturday’s Ada Monthly Meetup :slight_smile: Keep in mind the slight change in UTC time!

See you soon,

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I struggle to get time away from the kids but one thing I would quite like to understand better is how much and how useful people find the interface keyword to be. Would that be an interesting and casual discussion question?


Apologies: family visit.

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I use them a lot. It really lets me detach the implementations of components from the overall software algorithm. I can right my code using interfaces and plop in components that implement them later. They are super handy and much easier to use than regular abstract classes for me.

I hope to catch the VoD after. I always enjoy watching the meetings.

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Out of curiosity, was anyone able to record the meeting this month? No rush if so, but just seeing if it will eventually be available is all.

Yes! It was automatically live-streamed to YT :slight_smile:

Here is the link

Oh thanks! I didn’t realize it was under the live stream section there. Appreciate it!

Hello everybody!

I would like to announce the May (2024) Ada Monthly Meetup which will be taking place on the 11th of May at 13:00 UTC time (15:00 CEST). As always the meetup will take place over at Jitsi. The Meetup will also be livestreamed to Youtube.

If someone would like to propose a talk or a topic, feel free to do so! We currently have one talk that will be given by @AJ-Ianozi about GetAda, an all-batteries included installer for Ada tooling in a short single command!

Here are the connection details from previous posts:
The meetup will take place over at Jitsi, a conferencing software that runs on any modern browser. The link is Jitsi Meet The room name is “AdaMonthlyMeetup” and in case it asks for a password, it will be set to “AdaRules”.
I do not want to set up a password, but in case it is needed, it will be the one above without the quotes. The room name is generally not needed as the link should take you directly there, but I want to write it down just in case someone needs it.

Best regards and see you soon!


I think you mean May 11?

Yup! I have edited my post to reflect that! What a stupid mistake… sight…

This is a kind reminder that the next Ada Monthly Meetup will take place this Saturday, so in less than 48h!

The main topics to be talked about are going to be AJ’s GetAda and the Ada Developers Workshop that will take place on the 14th of June!

There will be no Ada Monthly Meetup in June due to the aforementioned Workshop.

Best regards,


I’ve create a Google Calendar for Ada Events. Feel free to add it to your google calendar and join “Ada Monthly Meetup” to configure notifications.

PS If you want to add events to the calendar, join Ada Community Google Group.


Thank you all for the meetup and specially to @AJ-Ianozi for his presentation on GetAda!

Here are the main topics and links that were discussed:

Thanks to everybody that participated! Best regards,

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Dear all,

as most of you already know, there will be no Ada Monthly Meetup today, as the next Friday 14th, the Ada Developers Workshop will take place in Barcelona.

If you would like to take part, but are unable to join in person, there is the option to register for online participation without any associated cost! You can do so with the following link

We will try to record and upload the talks after the Workshop, in case you cannot join live.

Best regards,


Is the next meeting this month or August? Just checking so I can keep up to date.

Hi @jere, I was not planning on having one as quite a few people will be on holidays :slight_smile:


So in September then?

Yes, most likely :slight_smile: