Advent of Ada Submissions

[cantanima][1][Ada]Calorie Counting


[analogrelay][1][Ada] aoc2022/day_01.adb at 1870db114d7e9555364e8d4a1445cc295552e627 Β· analogrelay/aoc2022 Β· GitHub

[JeremyGrosser][2][Ada][advent/day2_2.adb at 3fdc3b70869b12840f96afe5a2c9ecb7c66de300 Β· JeremyGrosser/advent Β· GitHub]

[Zertovitch][2][Ada]hac/aoc_2022_02.adb at 93ad0ab88a063470721cbe5b02b5630fdf91ca88 Β· zertovitch/hac Β· GitHub

[cantanima][2][Ada][AoC2022/Day2 at master Β· johnperry-math/AoC2022 Β· GitHub]

[ebriot][1][Ada] advent_of_code/2022/day1 at master Β· briot/advent_of_code Β· GitHub
[ebriot][2][Ada] advent_of_code/2022/day2 at master Β· briot/advent_of_code Β· GitHub

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[rommudoh][1][Ada] aoc2022-Ada/day01.adb at main - aoc2022-Ada -
[rommudoh][2][Ada] aoc2022-Ada/day02.adb at main - aoc2022-Ada -

[rocher][2][Ada] L’ets play Rock, Paper Scissors … literally!

Part one here:

  pragma Ada_2022;

  with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;

  procedure Day02_P1 is

     Type Rock_Paper_Scissors is ('πŸͺ¨', '🧻', 'βœ€');
     for Rock_Paper_Scissors use ('πŸͺ¨' => 1, '🧻' => 2, 'βœ€' => 3);

     Type Result is ('πŸ˜–', '🀝', 'πŸ†');
     for Result use ('πŸ˜–' => 0, '🀝' => 3, 'πŸ†' => 6);

     Result_Table : array (Rock_Paper_Scissors, Rock_Paper_Scissors) of Result :=
       ('πŸͺ¨' => (
                'πŸͺ¨' => '🀝',
                '🧻' => 'πŸ†',
                'βœ€' => 'πŸ˜–'),
        '🧻' => (
                'πŸͺ¨' => 'πŸ˜–',
                '🧻' => '🀝',
                'βœ€' => 'πŸ†'),
        'βœ€' => (
                'πŸͺ¨' => 'πŸ†',
                '🧻' => 'πŸ˜–',
                'βœ€' => '🀝'));
     -- Result table for players given as (Opponent, Player);

     function Round (Opponent, Player: Rock_Paper_Scissors) return Natural is
        Score : Natural := 0;
        Score := Result'Enum_Rep (Result_Table (Opponent, Player));
        Score := @ + Rock_Paper_Scissors'Enum_Rep (Player);
        return Score;

     Subtype Opponent_Char is Character range 'A' .. 'C';
     Opponent_Strategy : array (Opponent_Char) of Rock_Paper_Scissors :=
       ('A' => 'πŸͺ¨', 'B' => '🧻', 'C' => 'βœ€');

     Subtype Player_Char is Character range 'X' .. 'Z';
     Player_Strategy : array (Player_Char) of Rock_Paper_Scissors :=
       ('X' => 'πŸͺ¨', 'Y' => '🧻', 'Z' => 'βœ€');

     Opponent : Character;
     Player   : Character;
     Score    : Natural := 0;

     Space    : Character;
     Input    : File_Type;


     Open (Input, In_File, "input.txt");
        Get (Input, Opponent);
        Get (Input, Space);
        Get (Input, Player);
        Score := @ + Round (Opponent_Strategy (Opponent), Player_Strategy (PLayer));
        exit when End_Of_File (Input);
     end loop;
     Close (Input);

     Put_Line ("Answer:" & Score'Image);
  end Day02_P1;

My day 1 is in a message above. It’s pretty fun getting used to SPARK this way!

[zetah11][2][SPARK][aoc2022/day2.adb at 3d253bff347ad66db3c17ae1b48191dfc9de2ffa Β· zetah11/aoc2022 Β· GitHub]

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[jklmnn][2][SPARK]aoc/day_2022_2.adb at 8d67cb10e4528210a9219d7f20b7689c33308938 Β· jklmnn/aoc Β· GitHub

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[William-Franck][2][Ada]Release Day-02 Β· captain-haddock17/Advent_of_Code_2022 Β· GitHub

[rocher][2][Ada] And here part 2:

  pragma Ada_2022;

  with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;

  procedure Day02_P2 is

     Type Rock_Paper_Scissors is ('πŸͺ¨', '🧻', 'βœ€');
     for Rock_Paper_Scissors use ('πŸͺ¨' => 1, '🧻' => 2, 'βœ€' => 3);

     Type Result is ('πŸ˜–', '🀝', 'πŸ†');
     for Result use ('πŸ˜–' => 0, '🀝' => 3, 'πŸ†' => 6);

     Result_Table : array (Rock_Paper_Scissors, Rock_Paper_Scissors) of Result :=
       ('πŸͺ¨' => (
                'πŸͺ¨' => '🀝',
                '🧻' => 'πŸ†',
                'βœ€' => 'πŸ˜–'),
        '🧻' => (
                'πŸͺ¨' => 'πŸ˜–',
                '🧻' => '🀝',
                'βœ€' => 'πŸ†'),
        'βœ€' => (
                'πŸͺ¨' => 'πŸ†',
                '🧻' => 'πŸ˜–',
                'βœ€' => '🀝'));
     -- Result table for players given as (Opponent, Player);

     function Round (Opponent, Player: Rock_Paper_Scissors) return Natural is
        Score : Natural := 0;
        Score := Result'Enum_Rep (Result_Table (Opponent, Player));
        Score := @ + Rock_Paper_Scissors'Enum_Rep (Player);
        return Score;

     Subtype Opponent_Char is Character range 'A' .. 'C';
     Opponent_Strategy : array (Opponent_Char) of Rock_Paper_Scissors :=
       ('A' => 'πŸͺ¨', 'B' => '🧻', 'C' => 'βœ€');

     Subtype Player_Char is Character range 'X' .. 'Z';
     Player_Strategy : array (Player_Char) of Result :=
       ('X' => 'πŸ˜–', 'Y' => '🀝', 'Z' => 'πŸ†');

     function Choose_Shape (Opponent: Rock_Paper_Scissors; R : Result)
                           return Rock_Paper_Scissors
        Player : Rock_Paper_Scissors;
        for P in Rock_Paper_Scissors'Range loop
           if Result_Table (Opponent, P) = R then
              Player := P;
           end if;
        end loop;
        return Player;

     Opponent : Character;
     Player   : Character;
     Score    : Natural := 0;

     Space    : Character;
     Input    : File_Type;


     Open (Input, In_File, "__Current_Path__" & "input.txt");
        Get (Input, Opponent);
        Get (Input, Space);
        Get (Input, Player);
        Score := @ + Round (Opponent_Strategy (Opponent),
                            Choose_Shape (Opponent_Strategy (Opponent),
                                          Player_Strategy (PLayer)));
        exit when End_Of_File (Input);
     end loop;
     Close (Input);

     Put_Line ("Answer:" & Score'Image);
  end Day02_P2;
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[max][2][SPARK] source/day_02.adb
[max][3][SPARK] source/day_03.adb
[max][4][SPARK] source/day_04.adb
[max][5][Ada] source/day_05.adb
[max][6][SPARK] source/day_06.adb
[max][7][SPARK] source/day_07.adb
[max][8][Ada] source/day_08.adb
[max][9][SPARK] source/day_09.adb
[max][10][SPARK] source/day_10.adb
[max][11][Ada] source/day_11.adb
[max][12][Ada] source/day_12.adb
[max][13][Ada] source/day_13.adb
[max][14][Ada] source/day_14.adb
[max][15][Ada] source/day_15.adb
[max][16][Ada] source/day_16.adb
[max][17][Ada] source/day_17.adb
[max][18][Ada] source/day_18.adb
[max][19][Ada] source/day_19.adb
[max][20][Ada] source/day_20.adb
[max][21][Ada] source/day_21.adb
[max][22][Ada] source/day_22.adb
[max][23][Ada] source/day_23.adb
[max][24][Ada] source/day_24.adb
[max][25][Ada] source/day_25.adb

[yannickmoy][1][SPARK] advent_of_code_2022/spark/day1 at main Β· yannickmoy/advent_of_code_2022 Β· GitHub

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[Neoxas][1][SPARK] GitHub - Neoxas/aoc_2022_ada: AOC 2022 solutions written in SPARK ADA!
[Neoxas][2][SPARK] GitHub - Neoxas/aoc_2022_ada: AOC 2022 solutions written in SPARK ADA!

Haha! Nice use of Unicode!

Group.Append (Calories'Value (Line (Line'First .. Last)));

How did you make gnatprove eat this without Fabian’s powerful technique? The Line could contain any garbage and 'Value will raise exception, no? :thinking:

Kind reminder: Join us in the AOC leaderboard!

Please feel free to add yourself to the AOC leaderboard shared in this post.
Visit Leaderboard - Advent of Code 2022 and use the code 1708445-6a8f7730 to join.