The recommendation here (scroll down to the “Visual Studio Code” section) says you should make a workspace.code-workspace file in your project folder with the name of your gpr file, and then set up alr edit to call code workspace.code-workspace to start.
I’ve found that, at any rate if there’s only one GPR or it’s an Alire project, just code . is OK, because the Ada Language Server knows what to do.
Is that right? Can I update that page? (I have to do it for macOS anyway).
You can remove it. This is my old advice from 2022 since Alire didn’t support VS Code well at the time. I commend the folks working on VS Code support for Ada, it’s absolutely excellent when it works and has come an incredible way with what sounds like few people working on it in that time frame.
The big reason I’m using Vim and custom commands to run formatting scripts, is that I’m used to relying on “Format on Save” to deal with formatting issues (via rustfmt, gofmt, clangformat) so I don’t format code manually much anymore and the plugin has stability issues with “Format on Save” with GNATformat, where Ada Language Server with have long hangs, or goes to 100% constant CPU.