Alire: Updating crate dependency version


I am trying to install the alire crate ‘ada_language_server’. The crate depends on the ‘vss’ crate (version 23.0.0), which fails to build.

I noticed that if I try building the ‘vss’ crate by itself:

alr get --build vss

Alire will build ‘vss’ version 24.0.0 successfully.

How do I set the ‘ada_language_server’ (and it’s dependencies: ‘markdown’ and ‘libgnatdoc’) to use ‘vss’ version 24.0.0 ?

In the ‘ada_language_server_23.0.0_66f2e7fb’ alire project folder, I have tried deleting the vss dependency and adding it with the ‘24.x’ version but I get a “conflict” (see below).


I think alr update is what you need.

   Update some or all dependencies to a newer version

   alr update [options] [crate]...

   --online  Fetch index updates before attempting crate updates

   Resolves unpinned dependencies using available indexes.

   Invoked without arguments will consider all unpinned crates for updating.

   One or more crates can be given as argument, in which case only these crates 
   will be candidates for updating. Requesting the update of a pinned crate is 
   not allowed.


I don’t know why, but for some reason my alire workspace got into a non-cooperative state. I was able to get ‘ada_language_server’ to build without updating any packages by clearing the alire files.

# rm -rdf ~/.local/share/alire
# rm -rdf ~/.config/alire

Then installing with:

# alr get --build ada_language_server

Thanks for your help!