[Charity] Advent of Ada/SPARK 2023 Submissions

Hello here,

Today AdaCore announced a second edition of the Advent of Ada/SPARK charity event. For each person completing one of the Advent of Code challenges using the Ada programming language, AdaCore will donate $10 to the Ada Developers Academy, up to a total of $5,000. And for those willing to go an extra mile, AdaCore will donate $20 if the solution is implemented in SPARK with at least proof of absence of run-time errors (a.k.a. Silver level).

To submit your solutions, reply to this post with a line of the following format:
[<pseudonym>][<day>][<Ada or SPARK>]<link to solution source code>

For instance, if I solve the 3rd day problem using Ada:
[Fabien-Chouteau][3][Ada] https://github.com/Fabien-Chouteau/advent-of-ada/

And the 5th day using SPARK:
[Fabien-Chouteau][5][SPARK] https://github.com/Fabien-Choutea/advent-of-ada/

Happy hacking!


[JeremyGrosser][1][Ada] https://github.com/JeremyGrosser/advent/blob/ed090f0e3b966dd23a63e3b735ddd1811c75f6f7/2023/src/day1_2.adb

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[jrcarter][1][Ada] https://github.com/jrcarter/AoA_23/blob/9674760ef335ba62140e831a7587b847c7b06edb/aoa_01_1.adb


[rocher][1][Ada] advent-of-code/2023/01 at main · rocher/advent-of-code · GitHub

Please join our shared leaderboard using the code 1708445-6a8f7730


[zertovitch][1][Ada] (examples) Added Advent of Code 2023, Day 1 · zertovitch/hac@9f3ba97 · GitHub

…and 73th test in the HAC regression suite :grin:.


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[thierr26][1][Ada] GitHub - thierr26/advent_of_code: Some Advent of Code puzzle solutions in Ada

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[zertovitch][2][Ada](examples) Added Advent of Code 2023, Day 2 · zertovitch/hac@ddde97e · GitHub

[rocher][2][Ada] https://github.com/rocher/advent-of-code/tree/main/2023/02

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[jrcarter][2][Ada] https://github.com/jrcarter/AoA_23/blob/5d6b01c790853c04967f561886f75383db725eb6/aoa_02_1.adb


[thierr26][2][Ada] GitHub - thierr26/advent_of_code: Some Advent of Code puzzle solutions in Ada



[bjorn-lundin][01][Ada] https://github.com/bjorn-lundin/aoc23/tree/main/01//day01a.adb
[bjorn-lundin][01][Ada] https://github.com/bjorn-lundin/aoc23/tree/main/01//day01b.adb