How does the number of + signs increases for each line by using this program ? I’m still quite lost
with Ada.Text_IO; – For input and output
with Ada.Integer_Text_IO; – For handling integer inputs
procedure Plus_Triangle is
– Declare variables
Lines : Integer; – The number of lines
I : Integer; – Line counter
J : Integer; – ‘+’ counter for each line
– Prompt the user for the number of lines
Ada.Text_IO.Put("Enter the number of lines: ");
Ada.Integer_Text_IO.Get(Lines); – Get the number of lines from user input
– Initialize the outer loop counter
I := 1;
– Outer while loop for each line
while I <= Lines loop
– Initialize the inner loop counter for the ‘+’ symbols
J := 1;
-- Inner while loop to print the '+' symbols for the current line
while J <= I loop
J := J + 1;
end loop;
-- Move to the next line
-- Increment the line counter
I := I + 1;
end loop;
end Plus_Triangle;
Can anybody give me a clarification regarding the inner loop ?
Using a while-loop, (the comment indicates a for iteration though;
Using a second while-loop, which comment indicates is possibly a for iteration.
Given these considerations, I have to ask: are these examples from a book or tutorial? If so, are they from some other, non-Ada language?
Because, as I read it, your procedure is equivalent to:
Procedure Plus_Triangle is
Lines : Integer; – The number of lines
Ada.Text_IO.Put("Enter the number of lines: ");
For I in 1..Lines loop
For J in 1..I loop
Ada.Text_IO.Put( "+" );
End loop INNER;
End loop OUTER;
End Plus_Triangle;
So, observably the inner loop goes from 1 to whatever value I is, where I is ranging from 1 to the user-input Lines.