Confusion at Github

While respoding to comments on PR1820, I noticed this:

and I dutifully updated the branch (although I was certain that none of my changes overlapped with the “latest changes from master”).

After this, I couldn’t push the fix commit because of inconsistent tips.

It took an hour to recover from this.

I expect it’ll be quicker next time; on the other hand, I won’t be so quick to respond to Github’s suggestions.

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How frequently do you update your working branch? At my workplace we have a “break early, break often” philosophy, which means we update multiple times a day, and that means (believe it or not) that the correct git pull incantation does the trick 99% of the time (I forget the precise command since I use VSCode’s git integration, much to my coworkers’ horror) but every now and then we hit the inevitable merge conflict, and that is a right pain.

It’s difficult to get a process right until you’ve tried it a few times, not my position here! At least with Git it’s been possible to recover from mistakes without having to restart (so far, touch wood).