Correlation between versions of GNAT

When I install Ada on Windows, I normally get the GNAT community version. The version numbers are

GNAT 2019
GNAT 2021

When I install Ada on Linux, I use sudo apt get. Depending on which version of OS I’m running, the version numbers are

GNAT 12 (Ubuntu 2024.04)
GNAT 13 (Ubuntu 2024.10)

Is there anywhere on the internet that tells me what the correlation is between the different versions? For instance, is GNAT 12 same as GNAT 2019 or is it a particular build of GNAT 2021? I’ve tried searching the net but I don’t know if I’m using the right keywords.

They are different versions. The best you can do is look at the dates and see which other versions they are potentially similar to (but not exact).

Also note that you can get more up to date GNAT from either Alire or msys2 on Windows. Then you can get GNAT 13, 14, etc.

Some different options to get GNAT on windows (in order of hardest to easiest probably):
alire (can run on top of msys2):
getada (automates the installation of alire and msys2):

Hi @cup,

There is no strong correlations between those versions.

GNAT Community is now discontinued and I would not recommend using it. It used to be built from the AdaCore development branch around the end of spring.

The other GNAT you can find (Ubuntu/Debian, msys2, Alire, etc.) are usually called “GNAT FSF” and they are built from the source contributed to the GCC repository (at the Free Software Foundation, a.k.a. FSF) .

Since I’m not using any latest and greatest fancy features, I’ll just stick to what Linux gives me. I’ll cross the Windows bridge when I come to it.

I haven’t tried Alire on windows yet. Still using the old version from 2021. I wasn’t aware that it needed msys2. I’ll cross that bridge when I come to it.

AFAIK, all distros nowadays ship with a compiler that is newer than what was shipped in GNAT CE 2021, so you should be good :slight_smile: The system compiler plus Alire plus the GNAT Studio (as downloaded from Github) should yield the exact same experience as the GNAT CE 2021 release while being much newer! But as you said that is not a requirement for you.

Happy hacking and welcome to the forums!!