Enable mailing list mode, please

Hello there, admins!

Say, would it be possible to enable the mailing list mode in this discourse forum?

I’m enjoying that feature in other programming language discourse forums. Instead of only getting summaries of new threads n times per day, users can opt-in into the feature and the forum sends out each message as a new email and thus allows viewing all messages in a browser’s threading view and replying right there from the client. That way, you can easily follow longer discussions without having to manually check the forums.

Hope others find it useful as well.

Not quite the same, but what I’ve been doing is using RSS to send me an update for every new post on the forum; my RSS reader sends them off for me to browse and respond to if I’d like. It’s simply: https://forum.ada-lang.io/posts.rss

(the reason this post isn’t here yet is because I have my rss reader configured only to pull every half hour or so, but it’s already been posted to that feed)


I’d rather not, because I’m afraid allowing posts by email will open the forum up to more spam.

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Thank you for the rss link! That was something I missed. I didn’t knew it existed. Rss is much better than browsing a forum to find something new.

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