Gnatprove question about overflow check (lower bound might fail)

Sorry, I have to bother you with a SPARK question again… I still lack the experience to understand all problem causes, especially the following one.

I have type Dimension is range 1 .. 140, an Input which is a two-dimensional array (Dimension'Range, Dimension'Range) of Character, and a function that takes a coordinate and checks the surroundings of that coordinate, making sure it stays within the dimension bounds. If the surroundings match, it increases a count by 1. Here is a part of it:

function Number_Of_Xmas_Around (Row : Dimension; Col : Dimension) return Natural is
      Count : Natural := 0;
      -- Check to the left (unless it's too close to the left edge).
      if Col >= Dimension'First + 3 then
         if Input (Row, Col - 1) = 'M' and Input (Row, Col - 2) = 'A' and Input (Row, Col - 3) = 'S' then
            Count := @ + 1;
         end if;
      end if;
      -- Similarly, check to the right, up, and down.

      -- Check diagonal to the left and up (unless it's too close to the edges).
      if Row >= Dimension'First + 3 and Col >= Dimension'First + 3 then
         if Input (Row - 1, Col - 1) = 'M' and Input (Row - 2, Col - 2) = 'A' and Input (Row - 3, Col - 3) = 'S' then
            Count := @ + 1;
         end if;
      end if;
      -- Similarly, check the other diagonals.

      pragma Assert (Count >= 0);
      pragma Assert (Count <= 8);
      -- There can be at most 8 matches,
      -- because we do 8 checks and for each increase by 1 if it's true.

      return Count;
   end Number_Of_Xmas_Around;

(Full code is here.)

When I run gnatprove, it seems to have a problem with the diagonal checks, but I don’t understand what exactly. It says:

overflow check might fail, cannot prove lower bound for @ + 1

I don’t think this is the real problem, because the lower bound is obviously 0. And it only complains about the last three increases. If I remove the last three diagonal checks, it’s fine - although it still cannot prove the assertions. If I remove all diagonal checks, also the assertions are fine.

Does anyone have a hint what might be the problem? :thinking:

It’s just that gnatprove starts to get confused, when run with the default options. The default options are to run cvc5 as the only prover, with a short timeout (1s I think?). You can increase the timeout with the “–timeout” option, or add more provers, or both. Your code proves with “–prover=cvc5,z3”.


Oh wow, indeed. Thanks! :slightly_smiling_face:

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