In Ada 95, which I/O procedures to use for these TB commands, please

-- Skip to question farther below.
--      Background comments, skip to question below:
--          A.10 is probably the worst possibly written section of RM95 by the main author/contractor, showing that the
--          GS-15 DoD political appointee gatekeepers were too highly paid at the time even to care.  Their Chief
--          Cheese whom I met and got to know at the first Albuquerque Sig Ada conference in 1993 clearly comes to mind.

-- Question, start reading here:
--   What is the best choice of Ada 95 procedures to perform here these gold-standard file operations of True BASIC (TB):
--       CLOSE #3, OPEN #3, ASK #3, SET #3, READ #3, and CLOSE #3 ?

  -- 16
  PROCEDURE Get_file_input IS --

    -- All variables are defined in a separate Global_variable.adS file
    --   with extensions embedded in the object name as con_str, unbounded_str, int, and con_int for
    --   constant string, unbounded string, integer, and constant integer.
    -- All arrays are defined in a separate dimension matrix Dim_mats.adB file
    --   with prefixes embedded in the object file name as ar1_, ar2_, ar3_, and ar4_ to designate
    --   the number of dimensions and with respective variable type extensions of _int, _unbounded_string.

    input_file_name_unb_str := To_unbounded_string( "input_file_name.txt") ;
    user_input_file_unb_str := current_usr_dir_unb_str & input_file_name_unb_str ; -- former is from startup system call

    -- This closes a comm channel, numbered below, if open, to avoid system error opening same channel if already open.
    CLOSE #3

    -- This opens a closed comm channel with file name, opening file permissions as old or new file, byte stream file type,
    -- and access as both in and out.

    -- This gets file size of file name.
    ASK   #3: FILESIZE user_input_file_size_int

    IF user_input_file_size_int < 2 THEN  -- checks for file size greater than CR-LF of two bytes
       LET fall_through_int := 1 / 0 ;  -- forces exception handled below
    END IF

    -- This sets the record size of file as the same size of file.
    SET   #3: RECSIZE user_input_file_size_int

    -- This reads content of file into string of that same size.
    READ  #3: user_input_file_size_int, read_file_input_unb_str

    -- This closes comm channel to have nice manners.
    CLOSE #3 -- closes comm channel

    -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    --   input string manipulation elided here
    -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    WHEN Others =>
      New_line ;
      Put_line( "       The file named " & To_string( user_input_file_unb_str)) ;
      Put_line( "       is empty, or it contains no semi-colon as a sentinel to the input line.") ;
      New_line ;
      Put_line( "       Please edit the file with a correct input; the program is stopping now.") ;
      New_line ;
      RAISE EXCEPTION "Program is stopped." ;

  END Get_file_input ; --

EDIT: Jeffrey has a much better answer below

EDIT: Thank you very much.

To determine file size in bytes in Ada 95:

type Byte is mod 256;
for Byte'Size use 8;

package BIO is new Ada.Direct_IO (Element_Type => Byte);
BIO.Open (File => File, Mode => BIO.In_File, Name => Name);
Size := Whatever (BIO.Size (File) );
BIO.Close (File => File);

where Whatever is the type of Size (BIO.Size returns BIO.Count).

Great, thank you.___

Isn’t this the simplest way to determine file size_count_pos in Ada 95 ?

WITH Ada.text_io; USE Ada.text_io ;
WITH Ada.direct_io; USE Ada.direct_io;
. . . .
size_count_pos : Positive ;
Open( file_name_con_str, file_name_con_str, IN String = “”) ;
Size( file_name_con_str: IN File_type) RETURN size_count_pos ;

So long as you instantiate Direct_IO with something the size of a byte (e.g. Interfaces.Unsigned_8).

Doesn’t say so in the 2022 RM, but a little experiment shows that Size returns the number of elements in the file.