Is it possible to do this with expression functions?

Im studying how far I can go using expression functions to have everything defined in specification package.

My goal is simple, I have an enumeration that defines a set of 5 possible contents

   type Enum is (A1, A2, A3, A4, A5);

I define a possible specific content implementation where only 2 of 5 are active:

   type TableType is array (Natural range <>) of Natural;

   Table : constant TableType :=
     (1 => A3,
      2 => A5

From someone that call this package with Enum as argument I just can make a loop in the table to find the element of enum. But I want to make a lookup table that maps directly for save CPU.

I start with a lookup table where is possible to know wich element of the enumeration is active in this implementation. I was successfull with this expression function:

   type WhoisactiveType is array (Enum) of boolean;
   function isActive (elem : Enum) return boolean is
     (for some I in Table'Range => (elem = Table(I)));
   WhoisActive : WhoisactiveType := [ for I in Enum'Range => (isActive (I))];

But I didnt find the way to make the lookup table to know which internal index of the table are used for every element of the enum. I’v tried without success:

   function Convert (elem : Enum) return Natural is
     (for I in Table'Range => (if elem = Table(I) then I else 0));
 Map : MapConvertionType := [for I in Enum'Range => (Convert (I))];

Of course, I was able to do all of this in the body. But the goal is to try to do in the specification package. For the body I just did this:

   function Convert (elem : Enum) return Natural is
      for I in Table'Range loop
         if table(I) = elem then
            return I;
         end if;
      end loop;
      return 0;
   end Convert;

   procedure InitMap is
      for I in Map'Range loop
         Map(I) := Convert(I);
      end loop;
   end InitMap;

¿Does anybody knows how to build this simple lookup table in the specification package?

PD: I also tried to make Map expression function that work like this:

   function Map (elem: Enum) return Natural is
     (case elem is
         when A3 =>1,
         when A5 =>2,
      when others =>0

But the this solution requires two parallel configurations for the same thing (Table variable content and Map function content) that could drive to possible mistakes.

I would have started out reversing your table logic and use the enumeration as the index to a set of booleans:

Who_Is_Active: array(Enum) of Boolean := 
   (A3     => True,
    A5     => True,
    others => False);

if you want to store other data you can do:

type Optional(Valid : Boolean := False) is record
   case Valid is
      when False => null;
      when True  => Index : Positive;  -- Some index to another table
   end case;
end record;

Who_Is_Active: array(Enum) of Optional:= 
   (A3     => (Valid => True, Index => 1),
    A5     => (Valid => True, Index => 2),
    others => (Valid => False);

if you absolutely wanted to stick with your method, then one way is to use a reduction expression

pragma Ada_2022;

with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
with Ada.Containers.Ordered_Maps;

procedure jdoodle is

    type Enum is (A1, A2, A3, A4, A5);
    type Table_Type is array(Positive range <>) of Enum;
    Table : constant Table_Type := [1 => A3, 2 => A5];
    type WhoisactiveType is array (Enum) of Boolean;

    function isActive (Elem : Enum) return Boolean is
        ([for Item of Table => (Item = Elem)]'Reduce("or",False));  -- Reduction expression
    WhoisActive : WhoisactiveType := [ for I in Enum'Range => (isActive (I))];
    for Item of WhoIsActive loop
    end loop;
end jdoodle;


gcc -c jdoodle.adb
gnatbind -x jdoodle.ali
gnatlink jdoodle.ali -o jdoodle

The isActive function in this example iterates through Table, compares the current element of the table to Elum and logically "or"s all of the results together (with a starting result of False). So if one True comparison result is found, then the final result is True.

There’s probably other methods, but that is the first one I thought of.

Side note: There’s no need to avoid a body file here, you can still have it premade and just have a function return the results of the table:

    package P1 is
        function Map(Elem : Enum) return Natural with Inline;
    end P1;
    package body P1 is 
        function Convert (elem : Enum) return Natural is
            for I in Table'Range loop
                if table(I) = elem then
                    return I;
                end if;
            end loop;
            return 0;
        end Convert;
        type MapConversionType is array(Enum) of Natural;
        Internal_Map : constant MapConversionType := [for I in Enum'Range => (Convert (I))];
        function Map(Elem : Enum) return Natural is (Internal_Map(Elem));
    end P1;

The table is premade here even though it is in the body. That said, I still think just making a table indexed by enums from the start is the better way to go.

Thank you @jere. Your answer was really inspiring.
I think I will go with you first proporsal.

I think you can avoid the reduction expression with a (for some E of T => Test_On_E (E))