I’m working on an Ada solution of the Rosetta Code Task “Metallic Ratios” where I’m translating from a working Groovy solution.
The first compile error I get is:
metallic_ratios.adb:57:32: error: expected private type “Ada.Strings.Unbounded.Unbounded_String”
metallic_ratios.adb:57:32: error: found type “Standard.String”
Could someone please show me exactly what I have misunderstood from the Big_Real spec? My code is below.
Retired Build Engineer
pragma Ada_2022;
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
with Ada.Integer_Text_IO; use Ada.Integer_Text_IO;
with Ada.Strings; use Ada.Strings;
with Ada.Strings.Fixed; use Ada.Strings.Fixed;
with Ada.Strings.Unbounded; use Ada.Strings.Unbounded;
with Ada.Numerics.Big_Numbers.Big_Integers; use Ada.Numerics.Big_Numbers.Big_Integers;
with Ada.Numerics.Big_Numbers.Big_Reals; use Ada.Numerics.Big_Numbers.Big_Reals;
procedure Metallic_Ratios is
type Metal_Name_Array is array (Positive range <>) of Unbounded_String;
Metal_Names : Metal_Name_Array := (
To_Unbounded_String ("Platinum"),
To_Unbounded_String ("Golden"),
To_Unbounded_String ("Silver"),
To_Unbounded_String ("Bronze"),
To_Unbounded_String ("Copper"),
To_Unbounded_String ("Nickel"),
To_Unbounded_String ("Aluminum"),
To_Unbounded_String ("Iron"),
To_Unbounded_String ("Tin"),
To_Unbounded_String ("Lead"));
procedure Lucas (B : Natural) is
X0 : Big_Integer := To_Big_Integer (1);
X1 : Big_Integer := X0;
X2 : Big_Integer;
Put ("Lucas sequence for ");
Put (To_String (Metal_Names (B + 1)));
Put (" ratio, where b = ");
Put (B, 1);
Put ("First 15 elements: ");
for I in 1..13 loop
X2 := To_Big_Integer (B) * X1 + X0;
Put (To_String (X2));
Put (" ");
X0 := X1;
X1 := X2;
end loop;
New_Line (2);
end Lucas;
procedure Metallic (B, P : Natural) is
X0 : Big_Integer := To_Big_Integer (1);
X1 : Big_Integer := X0;
X2 : Big_Integer;
BB : Big_Integer := To_Big_Integer (B);
Ratio : Big_Real;
Iterations : Natural := 0;
Previous_Real : Big_Real := To_Big_Real (To_Big_Integer (0));
Current_Real : Big_Real;
Previous_Real_As_String : Unbounded_String;
Current_Real_As_String : Unbounded_String;
Previous_Real_As_String := To_String (Arg => Previous_Real, Fore => 1, Exp => 0, Aft => P);
Iterations := Iterations + 1;
X2 := BB * X1 + X0;
Current_Real := To_Big_Real (X2) / To_Big_Real (X1);
Current_Real_As_String := To_String (Arg => Current_Real, Fore => 1, Exp => 0, Aft => P);
if (Previous_Real_As_String = Current_Real_As_String) then
Put ("Value after ");
Put (Iterations, 1);
Put ("iteration");
if (Iterations = 1) then
Put ("s");
end if;
Put (":");
Put (Current_Real_As_String);
end if;
Previous_Real := Current_Real;
Previous_Real_As_String := Current_Real_As_String;
X0 := X1;
X1 := X2;
end loop;
end Metallic;
for I in 0..9 loop
Lucas (I);
Metallic (I, 32);
end loop;
Put ("Golden ratio, where b = 1: ");
Metallic (1, 256);
end Metallic_Ratios;