The main page has a navigation bar that is common across all sections of the site except the forum.
Once you navigate into the forum, you can use the back button, but you can not navigate out of the forum. (It’s like “Hotel California”, you can enter, but you can never leave. )
It is annoying, if you have visited many topics, to get back to any other sections of the site.
The only other way out is to edit the address bar (or use a bookmark if you have one).
This is also bad for visitors who land in the forum from a web search. They will not be able to explore the rest of the site without editing the address bar. For mobile users, the address bar is often hidden. So, they may not even realize that there is more to the site.
I suppose that it is a limitation of this platform that it can not go at the top of the list? If it is possible, being at the top of the list feels more natural to me. But at lest it is there, providing easy access back to the main page.
I’ve already started using it: When I’m editing a post, I middle-click it for a new tab on the main page, to access the resources on the rest of the site.