PiEmbSysTech Website Building Up Ada Tutorials

In my recent Ada Google searches, I’ve noticed there is this tutorial website that seems to be generating Ada tutorials on a daily basis, no doubt by using AI. See https://piembsystech.com/ada-language/

I don’t know how good the tutorials are, but maybe those who are new to Ada may consider trying them out and consider sharing their thoughts here about their quality and usefulness.

I had a look at the latest entry, Task Synchronization: Protected Objects in Ada Language. One of the examples (task_sync.adb) didn’t compile out-of-the-box: it tried to create a discriminated task type with an in out PO as the discriminant. Changing this to access, using an instance of the PO type rather than the type, and declaring said instance before using it resulted in a compilation, which looked as though it worked, but the resulting code had a neat little example of a race: in the task type body,

Put_Line("Task incremented value to: " & Integer'Image(C.Get_Value));

where C is the PO concerned.

If this isn’t AI-generated, the writer hadn’t tried to build the code they presented. Thumbs down.

If it is AI-generated, it’s pretty impressive. We’d all better watch out!

This clearly looks like LLM generated content.