Revisiting where to put declaration with presumable completion

If the value assignment to a typed variable is deemed a completion, then
where is the best place to put it as spec .adS file or body .adB file?

For example, stat_bar_unb_str: Unbounded_string :=
To_unbounded_string( “________”) ;

The purpose of the variable is to show progress of an iterated process via
Overwrite( ) by injectng ^.
Unfortunately the RM95 author gives no examples, nor is the keyword in
the paltry indexes of Barnes 2005 or Feldman 1999, but thankfully Cohen
1986 does at pg 196ff with equivalent built-in invocations for the same result.
(Paid teachers are either schooled or educated, but not both.)

If it is a status value from the client perspective then my recommendation is to move the the whole variable declaration and completion to the package body and use a function to return it. That keeps the client from modifying it directly and you can return it as a standard string as well ( converting it in the function)

I see.