"Search for Ada/SPARK on the Web" revived

I’ve taken maintenance of the archived thindil/adasearch project. I’ve added new specific search engines, so it can serve as a hub for people to find Ada/SPARK related information.

You can find the new version in Search for Ada/SPARK on the Web and the repository in GitHub - mgrojo/adasearch: Custom search engine for Ada programming language

Any feedback about the changes, suggestions or pull requests are welcome.


It now also includes OpenSearch description files for all the search engines. That means that you can add them as alternative search plugins to your browser.

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FWIW, there’s also Ada on the Web - Ada Resource Association.

I see it’s based on ada-auth.org, which is already on the included search engines.

By the way, Thindil and I are in the process of transferring the ownership of his archived repository, which has some advantages over using a fork. Consequently, the page is now in Search for Ada/SPARK on the Web for the moment, until the transfer is complete, and the forked repository is merged into the original. Sorry for the inconvenience.

It has already been transferred and it’s running live again in Search for Ada/SPARK on the Web. I’ve also made some improvements, like copying the string from the first regular text input (searchcode) to the others, so it will be easier to search something trying the different engines. Anyway, it still works well without JavaScript, except for the Google search box, which absolutely requires it.

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