The package Interfaces defines Shift_Left and Shift_Right for built in types like Unsigned_32.
My question is if there is a way to define them for a user modular type. Given:
type T is mod 2**64;
type S is mod 2**128;
X : T;
Y : S;
Is there is a way to beat:
X := T (Y / 2**64);
Y := S (X) * 2**64;
A combination of a representation clause for a record type like
type S_Record is record
L : T;
H : T;
end record;
for S_Record use record
L at ... -- A quite complicated expression involving Default_Bit_Order;
H at ...
end record;
and Unchecked_Conversion has a disastrous performance.
Or, maybe, -O3 optimizes / 2 ** 64 and X * 2 ** 64 to shifts already?
In GNAT I have been able to define them for some modular types using Import, Convention => Intrinsic. I don’t know the breadth of the sizes it allows for that.
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
procedure jdoodle is
type T is mod 2**64;
type S is mod 2**128;
function Shift_Left(Value : T; Amount : Natural) return T
with Import, Convention => Intrinsic;
function Shift_Left(Value : S; Amount : Natural) return S
with Import, Convention => Intrinsic;
v1 : T := 16#000000010#;
v2 : S := 16#000000010#;
Put_Line("v1:" & v1'Image);
Put_Line("v2:" & v2'Image);
Put_Line("v1:" & Shift_Left(v1,4)'Image);
Put_Line("v2:" & Shift_Left(v2,5)'Image);
end jdoodle;
I tried to follow the path of shift operations through GNAT and gcc’s optimization passes, here’s what I found:
The GNAT frontend tries to simplify modular operations before handing the tree off to gcc
GNAT’s documentation says the Shift and Rotate intrinsics work for 8, 16, 32, or 64 bit values though I believe this to be outdated as your example shows that larger values do work. intrinsic_subprograms.rst
gcc will optimize any divide by a power of 2 to a shift operation.
If the shift is larger than a machine word, then GNAT might depend on architecture-specific routines in libgcc.
I always recommend people to try out Godbolt. You can select GNAT, with several versions and several architectures available. Then you can take a peak at the asm generated. It is great for learning how compilers optimize and what architectures do behind the scenes. Of course you can also pass different compiler flags
As Jere says, there are other arches. I personally like AVR and RISC-V ASM… It is basically what I know Though I just saw that there is no AVR compiler in Godbolt, but we have one… We could ask for it to be added ^^