SPARK: Question about upper bound of count variable in loop

I started with SPARK, and I have a comment and a question.

The comment first: It’s really nice how easy it is to set up and use GNATprove in Alire. And I’m positively surprised how small the step is to go from Ada to SPARK and get proofs. Very cool! :slight_smile:

Now the question, because of course I don’t know nearly enough about how the provers actually work.

I’m stating a post-condition that cannot be proven, so I started adding assertions to figure out where it fails. I have an array type with indexes from 1 to 2000. I’m looping over such an array, increasing a counter for each element (except the first one) if it satisfies a condition. I want to have a post-condition on the upper bound of the counter in the end and am trying to figure out how to formulate a loop invariant.

When I’m asserting that the counter is <= the input’s length after each iteration, it tells me the assertion might fail. This is too hard, I guess? Or am I missing something obvious? Is there another way to specify such a loop invariant about the upper bound of a variable?

Here is the relevant part of the code:

package A is

   Number_Of_Lines : constant Natural := 2000;
   -- The number of lines in the input file and thus
   -- the number of provided depth measurement values.

   type Measurements is array (1 .. Number_Of_Lines) of Natural;

end A;


with A; use A;

package body B with
   SPARK_Mode => On

   function Number_Of_Increases (Values : in Measurements) return Natural with
      Global  => null,
      Depends => (Number_Of_Increases'Result => Values),
      Post    => Number_Of_Increases'Result < Values'Length; -- this is what I try to state

   function Number_Of_Increases (Values : in Measurements) return Natural is
      Count : Natural := 0;
      Previous_Value : Natural := 0;
      for I in Values'Range loop
            Value : constant Natural := Values (I);
            if I > 1 and Value > Previous_Value then
               Count := Count + 1;
            end if;
            Previous_Value := Value;

         pragma Assert (Count >= 0); 
         pragma Assert (Count <= Values'Length); -- assertion might fail
      end loop;

      return Count;
   end Number_Of_Increases;

end B;

Also, is there a resource you would recommend where I can read up on which provers are used (the gnatprove.out file says CVC5) and how they prove different things? I have the impression that most beginner questions are of the kind “Why can’t it prove this or that?” :sweat_smile:

(I’m currently working my way through the AdaCore tutorial, which I find excellent to get started. but of course it doesn’t go into great detail.)

I think I understand it: GNATprove does not keep track of how variables change from one iteration of the loop to the next. It proves loop invariants by proving that the invariant holds in the first iteration, and if it held after any one iteration, it also holds after the next one. Which for the upper bound doesn’t work - for this you would need to know how often you loop.

What indeed does work is adding an assumption that makes the iterative step provable:

function Number_Of_Increases (Values : in Measurements) return Natural with
      Post => Number_Of_Increases'Result <= Values'Length;

   function Number_Of_Increases (Values : in Measurements) return Natural is
      Count : Natural := 0;
      for I in Values'Range loop
         pragma Assume (Count < Values'Length);

         -- in one path, Count is increased by 1,
         -- in the other one it is not updated

         pragma Loop_Invariant (Count <= Values'Length);
      end loop;

      return Count;
   end Number_Of_Increases;

That makes the post-condition much less helpful, but it makes sense.

If I remove the post-condition, however, I still have an upper bound issue, because GNATprove says:

medium: overflow check might fail, cannot prove upper bound for Count + 1

So what would be a recommended way to help prove that the code is fine?

Edit: Apparantly, pragma Loop_Invariant (Count <= I) works. :thinking: :bulb:

Sorry for the loud thinking.


As a general rule, loop invariants need to involve the loop index, and the proof requires it is true for I = 1st value, and if the invariant is true for I-1, it can be proved it is true for I. So your loop invariant of Count <= I is exactly the right thing for this example, since it can be proved for I = Values’First, and can be proved for I (when I greater than Values’First) assuming it is true for I-1.


Here is my “unprofessional” answer, as I do not work with SPARK or know it well. But GNATProve has different prove values. They indicate to GNATProve how hard it has to try before it gives up. AFAIK, in the highest setting it is able to use CVC5, Z3 and alter-ego to prove the whole thing.

Also, you can enable counter-proves, which will tell you what/how SPARK thinks that your contracts will break. It is a great learning resource!

I hope that helps,

Very clear, thanks! It starts to make sense. :slight_smile:

Oh, indeed - thanks for the hint!

I’ll keep working my way through the User Manual, which actually has most of the answers, it’s just a bit overwhelming at first.

I’m not sure but in this video assuming it is the right one. Rod talks about how different parts of SparkNaCl are proven by different provers and taking some time to do so. He says something like, so long as everything can be proven by atleast one prover then you are covered. He is going beyond Silver and proving some correctness properties which probably explains why proving takes a fair bit of time.

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