When SVD files are a subproject you get a lot of warnings when running gnatprove on the base address.
Address => NVIC_Base
‘writing to “NVIC_Periph” is assumed to have no effects on other non-volatile objects.’
Is there a good way to quieten those. Such as exclude the SVD sub project or ideally just silence that particular warning?
If I use the --no-subprojects flag then I get some .ali incorrectly formatted fatal errors.
Perhaps I should use this for faster contract generation anyway. However, I believe case statements in .gpr files prevent gnat studio from being able to edit automatically (I can always comment and uncomment the case statements as needed though)
project My_Project is
type Modes is (“Compile”, “Analyze”);
Mode : Modes := External (“MODE”, “Compile”);
case Mode is
when “Compile” =>
for Source_Dirs use (…);
when “Analyze” =>
for Source_Dirs use (“dir1”, “dir2”);
for Source_Files use (“file1.ads”, “file2.ads”, “file1.adb”, “file2.adb”);
end case;
end My_Project;