Hi, I got my first meeting with the dreaded freezing point issues. I’m pretty sure reading the rm won’t help a bit, but you must know the solution. With the following:
private with Ada.Streams;
package Root_Event.Engine is
type Engine_Event is new Event with private;
function Create return Engine_Event;
procedure Simulate(E: in Engine_Event);
type Main_Engine_Event is new Engine_Event with private;
function Create return Main_Engine_Event;
type Aux_Engine_Event is new Engine_Event with private;
function Create return Aux_Engine_Event;
procedure Simulate(E: in Aux_Engine_Event);
use Ada.Streams;
type Engine_Event is new Event with
Fuel, Oxygen: Natural;
end record with Write => E_E_Write, Read => E_E_Read;
type Main_Engine_Event is new Engine_Event with null record;
procedure E_E_Read
(Stream : not null access Root_Stream_Type'Class;
Item : out Engine_Event);
procedure E_E_Write
(Stream : not null access Root_Stream_Type'Class;
Item : in Engine_Event);
type Aux_Engine_ID is (Left, Right);
type Aux_Engine_Event is new Engine_Event with
Side: Aux_Engine_ID;
end record with Write => A_E_E_Write, Read => A_E_E_Read;
procedure A_E_E_Read
(Stream : not null access Root_Stream_Type'Class;
Item : out Aux_Engine_Event);
procedure A_E_E_Write
(Stream : not null access Root_Stream_Type'Class;
Item : in Aux_Engine_Event);
end Root_Event.Engine;
I get
root_event-engine.ads:24:21: error: visibility of aspect for “Engine_Event” changes after freeze point
root_event-engine.ads:24:30: error: “E_E_Write” is undefined
root_event-engine.ads:24:41: error: visibility of aspect for “Engine_Event” changes after freeze point
root_event-engine.ads:24:49: error: “E_E_Read” is undefined
root_event-engine.ads:28:13: error: this primitive operation is declared too late
root_event-engine.ads:32:13: error: this primitive operation is declared too late
Before I have had no problem when a single type defined in a package, but I hope there are other solutions than multiplying the number of files.
private with Ada.Streams;
package Root_Event is
type Event is abstract tagged private;
function Create return Event is abstract;
procedure Simulate(E: in Event) is abstract;
function "<"(Left, Right: Event'Class) return Boolean;
use Ada.Streams;
type Simulation_Time is range 0..10_000;
for Simulation_Time'Stream_Size use 16;
type Event is abstract tagged
Time: Simulation_Time;
end record with Read => E_Read, Write => E_Write;
procedure E_Read
(Stream : not null access Root_Stream_Type'Class;
Item : out Event);
procedure E_Write
(Stream : not null access Root_Stream_Type'Class;
Item : in Event);
end Root_Event;