You need the crate in order to use the dependency through Alire, but if you just simply want to use the library, after installation in Debian, the project file will be directly visible to be used by gprbuild (at least if this program also comes from Debian).
That is, in ttcheck.gpr:
with "texttools";
project ttcheck is
-- Whatever else you need
end ttcheck;
Nevertheless, having this library as an Alire crate would be good news. In fact, all the Ada libraries already on Debian should be on the Alire index too.
I haven’t tried it, but since the one installed by alire has bin/share directories, I would be curious to see if one could install them there instead of at the system folders and it might still work
Yes, you’re right. The system gprbuild includes /usr/share/gpr in the default project path, but toolchains installed by Alire don’t seem to do it. One can compare the output of gprls -v for that.