I wanted to try out some of the formal containers for SPARK, but I am having trouble finding the Sparklib mentioned in the Spark docs. My GNAT Studio doesn’t have a SPARK category under Help, as the SPARK manual mentions, and I usually do everything with ALR. I do see the SPARK Lemma libraries in my ALR cache of Gnatprove, but not the other libraries.
It’s actually packaged with the gnatprove release in Alire, but it’s not in the GPR_PROJECT_PATH so you cannot with it directly.
In the future this library will be packaged separately so it will be easier to depend on it.
You can grab its sources here: spark2014/include at master · AdaCore/spark2014 · GitHub
Note that, as Fabien said, this is more recent than the version of GNATprove in Alire, so some special handling (say, for SPARK.Big_Integers) won’t be available yet.
Ok, I have an Alire project with gnatprove
(13.2.1) as dependency, but I’m still stuck using SPARKlib.
The docs say I need a sparklib.gpr
extending sparklib_internal
project SPARKlib extends "sparklib_internal" is
for Object_Dir use "sparklib_obj";
for Source_Dirs use SPARKlib_Internal'Source_Dirs;
for Excluded_Source_Files use SPARKlib_Internal'Excluded_Source_Files;
end SPARKlib;
@daniel-larraz in his AoC project uses a sparklib.gpr
extending sparklib_external
project SPARKlib extends "sparklib_external" is
for Object_Dir use "sparklib_obj";
for Source_Dirs use SPARKlib_External'Source_Dirs;
for Excluded_Source_Files use SPARKlib_External'Excluded_Source_Files;
end SPARKlib;
But in both cases, I get a project not found error. Is there something obvious that am I missing?
I’m using gnatprove
14.1.1 and gnat_native
14.2.1, in case it helps.
What’s the content of your GPR_PROJECT_PATH? It should contain the path to the “sparklib_external” project.
Note that this project was renamed recently to “internal”, but it’s not the case for any released gnatprove version. The online documentation is for the development version of SPARK.
Hm. So my question gets more stupid: Where should the “sparklib_external” project be, given that it’s bundled with gnatprove? Or do I need to provide/install it explicitly?
Sorry for this, I have a very blurry mental model of how this is supposed to work.
(I tried pointing GPR_PROJECT_PATH to the root of my project, but that doesn’t change the error. The Source_Dirs points to “src/**”.)
Assuming you have latest gnatprove 14.1.1 then you should only need to set GPR_PROJECT_PATH to the folder that contains sparklib_external.gpr
. I don’t know which folder that would be with alire to be honest. Then it’s recommended to create your own sparklib.gpr
as is documented here in the thread.
If I try this, I get an error during binding:
[gprbind] aoc2024.bexch
[Ada] aoc2024.ali
fatal error, run-time library not installed correctly
cannot locate file system.ads
raised TYPES.UNRECOVERABLE_ERROR : targparm.adb:168
gprbind: invocation of gnatbind failed
gprbuild: unable to bind aoc2024.adb
But I managed to upgrade both gnatprove
and gnat_native
to the latest version, and now it does work the with the sparklib.gpr
file that @daniel-larraz uses.
Thanks a lot to both of you for helping me figure it out!
By the way I was confused. The method I provided was OK but unnecessarily complicated. I updated my post with the “best” current method. As Fabien said earlier, in the future we want to make sparklib
be standalone and not depend on a gnatprove install.
Hi, I just wanted to say that this sound great! It would make the release of the library more flexible and also its use in other programs!
Best regards,