Ok, I have an Alire project with gnatprove
(13.2.1) as dependency, but I’m still stuck using SPARKlib.
The docs say I need a sparklib.gpr
extending sparklib_internal
project SPARKlib extends "sparklib_internal" is
for Object_Dir use "sparklib_obj";
for Source_Dirs use SPARKlib_Internal'Source_Dirs;
for Excluded_Source_Files use SPARKlib_Internal'Excluded_Source_Files;
end SPARKlib;
@daniel-larraz in his AoC project uses a sparklib.gpr
extending sparklib_external
project SPARKlib extends "sparklib_external" is
for Object_Dir use "sparklib_obj";
for Source_Dirs use SPARKlib_External'Source_Dirs;
for Excluded_Source_Files use SPARKlib_External'Excluded_Source_Files;
end SPARKlib;
But in both cases, I get a project not found error. Is there something obvious that am I missing?