Where to ask about linear temporal logic?

I wonder where I can ask questions about linear temporal logic or topics of that kind ?
In the cursus I am following, to study concurrency they first require going a formal logic training, I mean linear temporal logic. It’s computer science, definitely programming-related, but not Ada, unless I want or need to test things out.
There is no forum for stuff like that, too advanced I suppose, but also too advanced not to block now and then if on your own.
Reddit & co won’t work. People are not interested, too formal maybe.

I would start here: Temporal logic - Wikipedia and then continue to the article on linear temporal logic (Linear temporal logic - Wikipedia).

You might also look into Leslie Lamport’s specification language TLA+ (TLA+ - Wikipedia) which you can download and play with.

This is not quite what I meant… I do have a book, or books, and I do grasp the notions. But like normal logic, knowing about lemmas, predicates and existential quantification doesn’t mean any and all valid logic demonstration suddenly becomes crystal clear.My issue is despite the exposé, I have trouble understanding demonstrations… actually thinking on those principles.

“Nothing Lasts Under the Moon”

Sorry, could not resist… :grinning:

May I get in on the joke ? That sentence only returns references to a singer and an online game.

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Just a common idiom, an example of temporal logic. :grinning:
(Do not take it too seriously)

To clarify

  • You already have learning material for the temporal logic topic.
  • As you have been studying, you have questions that are not satisfied by the material.
  • You are asking where to find an online community that can/will answer question about the temporal logic topic.

I don’t know of a community that is focused on temporal logic. But I would expect temporal logic to be part of the formal proofs used in SPARK. (I have not yet gotten into using SPARK.) So, some of our community might know the answers to your questions.

I don’t think it would hurt to try asking.

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There is a community reddit for TLA+: https://www.reddit.com/r/tlaplus/

That might be a place to get some questions answered, though you would probably want to have first played a bit with TLA+ so you understand the vocabulary it uses.