Writing a C Compiler

The Writing a C Compiler book was published recently and I’ve decided to work through it with Ada. I’m hoping to develop skills that will make the idea of writing a new Ada compiler more approachable.

I’ll post my implementation notes here as I go. I encourage anyone else working through the book to do the same. Maybe we can get a small group of compiler developers together and do interesting things.


Remember when Ada was designed, nobody knew how to implement it and they had to invent new algorithms to do it. When the slapped C together it was so they slap Unix together.

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Yes, I’m aware of the history. I’m just trying to learn some stuff that might be useful later. I don’t expect an Ada compiler to be as easy to implement as C.

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Any reason why you’d use that and not Niklaus Wirth’s book on Compiler Construction? Seems to me that Oberon is closer to Ada than C.

Honestly, I haven’t looked at Wirth’s book. I’m already familiar with parsing the grammar and generating an AST and want to learn more about optimization, IR, and codegen. This book focuses on modern techniques for those stages.

I’ve just finished Chapter 1, which has you implement lexer, parser, compiler, and codegen for a very very small subset of C. The provided unit tests are excellent, allowing you to check your progress at each stage of development. The text is fairly abstract and assumes you’re already familiar with your target language and programming in general. I like this more than the prescriptive approach that Crafting Interpreters takes where you’re simply given code snippets to type or translate into your target language.

Implementation notes

The book recommends using an implementation language with “pattern matching” features. I think the “prototyped” status of this RFC means GNAT supports that. I’m also pretty sure this is just syntactic sugar for a bunch of successive elsif blocks, so I think I can manage even if it isn’t well supported.

The “compiler driver” program is contained within main.adb. Calls to gcc for preprocessing, assembly, and linking use the AAA.Processes library. The book does assembly and linking in a single step, but I’ve always considered those to be discrete operations. I’ve broken them into separate steps to make it easier to do multiple object linking later.

I wrote a WACC.IO package to abstract all of the file operations. The whole input file is read into memory with System.Mmap upon open and writing uses Ada.Text_IO. There are many opportunities for future optimization.

I pulled a handful of Restrictions and the Jorvik profile into a project-wide gnat.adc to keep myself from doing anything too crazy.

I had intended to write the package specs with SPARK_Mode => On, but that severely limits the standard library packages available and I kept getting sidetracked finding or writing alternatives. Dropping the SPARK requirement for now.

I wrote the lexer by hand rather than using regex as suggested in the book. GNAT.Regexp is not PCRE-compatible and I didn’t want to try to work around the edge cases there. Maybe this will come back to bite me, but seems okay for now.

My lexer initially caught the “misspelled_keyword” test having returns instead of return, which is supposed to pass at this stage according to the test suite. Ignoring the \b part of the regex pattern for keywords and identifiers fixes it, but doesn’t catch this error. The book expects you to catch this during the parse stage apparently.

I chose to store token literals in Unbounded_String. This means every token allocates a little bit of memory. I don’t bother allocating the literal for single character tokens as it should be obvious. Storing offsets within the input text would be more efficient and enable contextual error messages later but I want to avoid tight coupling between the I/O routines and lexer for now.

The book links to a paper describing three options for AST data structures with a preference towards an object oriented implementation allowing use of the visitor pattern. I’m going to stick with discriminated record types for now, but will move to objects if needed.

Translating ASDL to discriminated records seems to be working well. If this pattern continues to go well, I’ll likely write an automated asdl2ada generator.

Codegen went suprisingly smoothly. Having a separate data structure for assembly seems like overkill at this point, but I can see how it might be useful for optimization passes later.

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Out of curiosity is this stuff you will be posting somewhere or more of a private project?

I’ll make the repo public, but it’s mostly for my own learning and not meant to be a production compiler. I’m not really interested in defending every decision on this project.


I 100%get that. I recently did something similar. I was curious because this stuff interests me. But if it becomes a problem I understand if you need to make it private

Out of curiosity what is your impression of the book so far in terms of difficulty for new folks?

I’m still in the stage of learning about lexing and parsing so I am well behind your level of understanding. I started off learning basics with the Crenshaw tutorial. Then I started writing my own lexer ( still in process ) to help learn.

I’m still parsing through your earlier post. So far it sounds like a good book but I also may not be experienced enough yet to utilize it. I saw it had you do all of the stuff from lexing to code gen in just the first chapter so I was thinking it might be too advanced for me at this time

So far, I like the book. I worked through Crafting Interpreters a while ago and compared to that it feels like a more advanced text.

There were a few places where I would’ve liked more guidance and it just seemed like the book was saying Draw the rest of the Owl. However, when re-reading those sections I realized that they’re just describing algorithms in plain text. You can translate the description into pseudocode and fill in the blanks pretty easily.

I also like that the author isn’t trying to make this the authoritative text on all compiler topics. Where it makes sense, the book just references other resources (papers, books, blogs) that have already covered those topics well.

It’s definitely stretching my brain a bit, which is exactly what I want.

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Ah, OK. You might like to at some point. It’s an excellent book. That said…

Wirth’s book doesn’t do AST’s. It’s interesting: Wirth seems to have a visceral loathing for those sorts of things, especially late-state Wirth. This can come back to hurt him: Oberon has gone through several revisions because he can’t seem to make up his mind about certain things, and/or discovers 10 years later that yes, he does need certain features after all in order to implement a personal project. It’s still neat to see how he goes about basic implementation.

I don’t much care for his style of writing code, though. Very cryptic, nearly zero comments, error messages are short and IMHO too vague to be useful.

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You want Steve Muchnik’s book for backend/IR stuff.

Chapter 2: Unary Operators

This chapter adds the first two character -- token to the lexer, even though we’re not adding it to the AST yet. Rather than adding a single character lookahead to the IO package, I allow the Advance method to take a negative Count argument. I think this keeps the IO interface simpler.

Once again, translating ASDL to record types was pleasant. After adding the new node types to the AST, the compiler happily provided errors about missing cases in the parser and codegen packages. Very useful for figuring out what code needs to be updated.

Three Address Code is a new concept for me. This is where the book diverges from the interpreters I’ve written where everything just gets shoved into a stack machine. It reminds me of SSA (Static Single Assignment) which I’ve read about in the LLVM docs.

I had to delete the existing assembly codegen to make room for this new TACKY stage. I wonder if this means every new compiler pass will force a refactor of the subsequent passes or if this is just a particularly disruptive one.

Dealing with three or four different tree representations makes me glad I put them in separate package namespaces and avoided use clauses. If we add a lot more ASDL representations, I’m definitely going to want to take time to write an ASDL to Ada compiler. The pretty-printing bits are getting especially repetitive.

The note about hardware register aliases on page 40 makes me wish that they hadn’t picked the x64 ISA to target. There’s just so much awkward legacy stuff there. Further, this confusion of register sizes reminds me of C’s weak type system. No doubt this will make things interesting later on.

The tables on page 41 make it pretty clear how TACKY translates to the Assembly AST. I’m not sure I could have come up with that mapping on my own, but maybe it’ll make more sense after I’ve implemented the whole book.

The “fixup” pass of assembly generation is awkward, mainly because I need to replace one instruction with two and I stored them all in a Vector, which can’t be modified while iterating. I iterate through the vector, creating a list of edits and their offsets. I then iterate through the list of edits in reverse order and perform the inserts. It’s clunky, but it works. Maybe a linked list or building a new copy of the Vector would be better.

I haven’t been freeing memory anywhere up to this point. I did try to deallocate a node during one of the assembly passes, but this somehow led to an Unbounded_String getting set to null while still referenced. Maybe there’s some string interning happening that I’m not aware of? In any case, I still feel that deallocation is unnecessary in the context of a short lived compiler process. Perhaps I’d feel differently if this code was getting embedded into a language server. If I do want to do deallocation later, I wonder if there’s something clever I can do with storage pools to free an entire tree.

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If it helps subpools provide a means to mass deallocate a bunch of memory from a pool at once. I don’t know if it perfectly fits your use case or not but might be worth looking into



I ran into a different but similar situation when building a disassembly context for game code in my nes emulator. I ended up doing a vector of vectors initially putting one item in each inner vector. I was then able to go back later and add lines around each disassembly line by appending/prependind it’s respective vector. It ended up working nicer than I initially expected, especially for editing during iteration. I don’t know yet if it was a good idea or not. I am still playing around with it

Hi Jeremy! I’m interested in hearing more about your work :slight_smile: I’m very new to compilers but would be keen to start working on projects

Chapter 3: Binary Operators

The big topic in this chapter was operator precedence. The “Precedence Climbing” approach makes more sense to me than the Pratt parsers I’ve worked with in the past. The discussion in this chapter was quite detailed and I appreciated the comparison to recursive descent. It’s nice to know the “why” in addition to the “how”. The actual implementation ended up being quite a bit simpler than I expected based on the reading, which was nice.

The add, subtract, and multiply operators are fairly straightforward, except that they sometimes need an operand pushed to a temporary register, which is done in a later compilation pass. I really like how adding a new “micropass” simplifies the codegen.

Division is a little more complicated because one of the operands needs sign extension. I was extra confused when the cdq instruction disassembled as cltd. It’s the same thing, but AT&T and Intel assembly syntax disagree on what this instruction is called. Confusing! Apparently there’s a small list of instruction aliases like this.

Rather than modifying the instruction vector in place like I did in the last code emission pass, I built a new copy of the vector while reading the old one. This was much more straightforward than the edit list approach, at the cost of additional memory utilization. Seems like a worthwhile tradeoff to me.

I got a bit confused with the signedness of stack offsets in my assembly AST and ended up smashing the stack a few times. I added a subtype Stack_Offset range Integer'First .. -4 to make it impossible to generate code like that again.

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Chapter 4: Logical and Relational Operators

Conditional expressions! There are a lot of new symbols to add to the ASDL structures, I wish I’d added these incrementally rather than trying to do all of them at once. The compiler complains about every case statement with missing types so I had to implement all of them before I could get any useful feedback.

My TACKY generation code had assumed that each binary operator would only produce a single instruction node. In hindsight, this is obviously wrong and I was forced to do a lot of refactoring in this stage. The short circuit evaluation of && and || operators means that we have to be careful that the instructions to evaluate the left hand side are generated first so that we can add a comparison and jump afterward.

I had a bug in assembly emission where >= was generating a je instruction rather than jge. This was caught by the book’s test suite, but difficult to track down. The source was a simple typo, but I’m left wondering how I might’ve caught this one earlier, or found an easier way to pick it out of the generated assembly code. I miss having the C source inline in the objdump assembly output. Might be worth a side quest to figure out how to get that debugging information into the binary.

Out of curiosity, what is TACKY specifically? A type of AST?