The March 2024 Meetup just finished! Thanks to everybody who participated.
Quite a few topics were discussed, here is a list of topics and references to them:
- WolfSSL and its Ada binding
- Announcement
- Initial commit, SPARK included!
- Build as a library, PR currently open
- WolfSSL created the binding to “create” demand. The Ada community can help raise awareness of these tools and create a symbiotic relationship with companies and people invested in Ada.
- Ada Developer Workshop taking place in Barcelona the 14th of June.
- The (current) submission deadline for presentations is the 31st of March!
- Online participation is expected. We will try and have a setup to let people participate online!
- It was created in order to let the wider Ada community have a home to meet and talk about Ada. This is a “response” to the lack of an Ada DevRoom @ FOSDEM the past couple of years.
- Alire v2.0 is around the corner
- Help test the new Release Candidate 1
- Mac M1 (ARM64) support is in the works. Thanks Simon and Maxim!
- There is now a list of projects to work on in the main Ada-Lang webpage.
- It focuses of projects that would help the wider Ada community.
- Ada support for org-mode code blocks (babel) is now going to be part of the official org-mode distribution of Emacs!
- Thanks Francesc for the work!
- The CISA published a list of memory safe languages
- Ada was not mentioned in the list of programming languages. Nonetheless Ada/SPARK are listed in the references.
- Ada needs better visibility and “marketing”.
- Black, an HTTP (1 & 2) and WebSockets library written in Ada.
- The GCC 14’s Ada changelog section is on its way, stay tuned!
See you in one month (more or less)! Regards,
Edit 1: add the Black library
Edit 2: the paper was published by CISA, not the NSA